C25K done but race not for another month, what to do?

lovekohl Posts: 111 Member
I finished my last week 8 workout last night and I'm running a practice 5k this weekend. Yay! It feels so good to have finished the program, but I have a question. I want to eventually move on to a 10k trainer but I don't really want to start it until after my race at the end of November. What should I do in the interim? Should I just keep doing 30-40 minute maintenance runs, try to find a speed drill app, something else? Thanks!


  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I'd move on to the 10k trainer or go to Runners World SmartCoach Training plan and use that to create an interim plan. Once you get a little more experience, you'll be able to fill in the gaps with a long run, a day of speedwork and and an easy run, but right now guidance really helps.
  • Putcake
    Putcake Posts: 93 Member
    I would suggest starting to run for distance. I finished C25K mid October and we ran our 5K on 10/27. Once I finished, in 2 weeks, I ran three 3 mile runs.

    Even though the app wants to do time (and assumes everyone is a 10 minute miler), I found it much more helpful to do it by distance. I use endomondo and set my program for 3 miles. The first time stunk! I wasn't sure about where I was going, so I ran a couple of loops around the high school by my house and had no idea when I would reach a mile or more. I finished in 43 minutes. Not where I wanted to be, but I finished.

    Then my hubby found a site called runningmap.com - you can plot a course on a map and it will tell you the mileage. This was really helpful! We created a 3.25 loop starting and ending at our house. I ran this loop two different times before the race. It was perfect.

    I ran the 5k on 10/27 in 36:52. I felt great. The last half mile was tough, but I expected it to be. However, with my runs the week before, I felt completely prepared.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I finished c25k almost a month before my first 5k and moved right into 5 to 10k. Worked for me! I use the RunDouble app.
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    Hi Kohl

    I am in same predicament that you are in, I finished C25K about a month ago and my first race is next saturday. I used smartcoach for a running plan until first race