November Goals



  • KathleenKP
    KathleenKP Posts: 580 Member
    Let me revise my goals:

    I would like to be able to breath and to stop coughing by the end of the month. If anybody wants to celebrate, I'm having a pity party at 2:30. There will be cake.

    PS - you all are so inspiring. This is the best group on MFP!

    I should have checked earlier. I had cals for cake today.

    I think you can reach your goal by the end of the month. Doesn't sound likely by the end of the week, though.
  • KathleenKP
    KathleenKP Posts: 580 Member
    This talk of bikes and swimming amidst all the running goals makes my heart beat faster.

    Laura - Having some treadmill run workouts will be a great idea. Saves time when you are already at the gym, good for bad weather. I really have to mix it up, though. I have no idea how some of the ladies at the gym run for an hour or more with a fairly constant pace on that thing. I still need to get outside.
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    YAY! Goal #1 accomplished-"To run 8 miles before the end of the month." I did it tonight in the rain at a 12 min per mile pace, and all but the last mile felt wonderful! I was only going to run 7 again, but I felt good, so I thought why not stretch it out to 7.5. Then 7.5 came, and I thought, why not eight? The last 1/2 mile my butt and outside right leg started to hurt, but nothing too serious. It did that the first time I ran 10K too. Hooray! I still feel a long way from 13.1, but I'm getting there bit by bit.
  • KathleenKP
    KathleenKP Posts: 580 Member
    YAY! Goal #1 accomplished-"To run 8 miles before the end of the month." I did it tonight in the rain at a 12 min per mile pace, and all but the last mile felt wonderful! I was only going to run 7 again, but I felt good, so I thought why not stretch it out to 7.5. Then 7.5 came, and I thought, why not eight? The last 1/2 mile my butt and outside right leg started to hurt, but nothing too serious. It did that the first time I ran 10K too. Hooray! I still feel a long way from 13.1, but I'm getting there bit by bit.

    You are going to be there before you know it! Did you settle on a plan?
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    Sort of settled on a plan...
    As much as my schedule will allow I am following the FIRST method. ( I need to order the Run Less, Run Faster book, which I believe uses the FIRST plan.) I am using it to target my pace and distance for 3 runs a week- Speedwork or hills on Thursdays, Tempos on Friday, and long runs on Sunday. I also do strength/cross training with my trainer on Wednesday. I wish I could put a day between the Speedwork and the Tempo, but my schedule won't allow it. However, I am adjusting the suggested mileage a bit to make sure I don't ramp up too fast and hurt myself. So instead of running a 10 mile long run next week, I will repeat the 8, then back off the new distance back down to 6 for a week adding to the tempo run distance, and then back up to 8 for the long again...and so forth.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    You should be fine. I did get advice about doing speedwork after a long run, but doing the intervals before the tempo I think shouldn't be as much of a problem.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    A little over halfway through the month and I am on track for most of my goals.
    1) Continue building up my mileage to a 12-mile long run 2 weeks before my first half marathon
    I ran 13.1 miles three weeks before my race. Last weekend I did 10 on one day and 3.8 on the other. Good enough.
    2) Add a weekly speedwork session at the track (with the running group)
    This one is going great. I love the speedwork!
    3) Complete my first half marathon on Thanksgiving in less than 2 hours
    Should be on track for that one.
    4) Focus on core work, hips, glutes, abductors, etc.
    Three times a week.
    5) Stay injury free
    Still dealing with an injury from last month.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Go, Tim!!!
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    Awesome goal attainment, Tim!

    I made my eight mile goal, but I'm still working on the others.

    I stopped eating Halloween candy -today- but I had wine and hot chocolate (not at the same time!) and ice breaker mints instead. Ack...

    I am having to be flexible with my running plan, but so far so good on keeping mostly to plan.

    I am grateful when I stop whining long enough to look around me and realize how blessed I truly am. So that "attitude of thankfulness" goal is a work in progress.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    My November goal was to become more flexible with my running. The first part of that was adapting to the change in seasons and what that meant for my schedule. The other part of it was backing away from a training schedule and just enjoying running for now.

    At a minimum I'm out of the funk I was in. I was blaming the shorter days but I now realize it was a combination of things. Loss of daylight definitely threw me for a loop, but it also was the new training schedule. When I finished the 10K training & moved to 15K it dropped me way back. In the first 4 weeks it had 1 - 4 mile run, 3 - 3 mile runs, and 8 - 2 mile runs. After spending so many weeks building up distance, that was a real letdown. The past few Saturdays I've been building up my long runs again and that satisfies me enough that I can deal with the shorter treadmill runs during the week. The 6 miles I ran on Saturday was the furthest I've gone since September 21. I finally feel like I'm back to where I had been. I don't feel the need to build much over the winter months given how much of my running will be on the treadmill, but I'd like to generally maintain my base.

    I'm finally more comfortable on the treadmill. I've accepted that I'm going to be slower. I've accepted that it's going to be boring. Some days I run for a set period of time. Some days I run for distance. Monday I did "whichever comes first." I plan to try to work in some treadmill hills runs. I plan to try to work in some speed intervals. It's going to be a long winter so I have time to experiment.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Continue to build my base
    Safeguard against injury with a sustainable cross training program and stretch routine
    Run the Marietta gobble jog in thanksgiving

    Let me revise my goals:

    1) get off my butt - I haven't run since Thursday :( (Kid's birthday/work/missing sports bra). I make it to the gym almost every day, but only to apply my make up.

    2) run the Gobble Jog
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    On this last day of November I am pretty happy with my goals. I accomplished everything I planned on. The injury from last month's race cleared up the week before my half marathon. I ran the half pain free and today only have a tiny bits of DOMS in my quads. I hit 74 miles for the month which is my highest ever.

    Now I am 100% focused on recovery. I am taking a short break from running next week while I cross-train at the gym. I won't run again until next weekend. I'll follow Coach Jenny's recovery plan throughout the month.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    While I didn't complete my November goals, I'm happy enough with what I did do. I'm getting up to 5 miles on my longest runs with no knee pain. I'm very pleased with my swimming both in increasing the number of laps I can do, my speed, and my technique.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    On this last day of November I am pretty happy with my goals. I accomplished everything I planned on. The injury from last month's race cleared up the week before my half marathon. I ran the half pain free and today only have a tiny bits of DOMS in my quads. I hit 74 miles for the month which is my highest ever.
    Terrific, Tim!
  • Rindy12
    Rindy12 Posts: 215 Member
    I managed to hit all my November goals. I missed one run earlier in the month for issues with my SI Joint, but still got in just over 50 miles. Silly, but I'm most thrilled with no longer being categorized as obese, I'm just overweight now. :happy:
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Trying to keep my knee healthy enough to run a 10k on Nov. 23rd. Also ramping up my cycling in prep for the MS 150 ride in April- Houston to Austin, TX.

    I'm about 1.5 lbs from my ULTIMATE goal weight, would like to hit that before the end of the year.

    Trying to figure out how to get exercise time in, since it's dark when I leave for work and dark when I get off work. :-/

    I did run the 10k. Didn't get in as much cycling as I wanted to. DID reach my goal weight! Still trying to figure out how to get the exercise in around the bad weather and short days.