For the sugar fiends...

I'm just gonna put this out there and if you like it, great, but if you don't that's cool too. I hate those people who are "preachy" about what people eat so I hope I don't come off that way! But here's something I've been noticing...

It seems like a lot of people use sugar replacements. Before I go on, let me preface this by saying that in my former, carb-eating life I was THE WORST sugar addict you could probably ever meet! I loved cookies, candy, Frappuccinos (Caramel Ribbon Crunch nirvana, anyone?) and everything like it. That's probably been the hardest thing for me to overcome in this diet.....but now that I have, I cannot tell you how much better I feel!

So back to those seems like it's a fairly common complaint among people who use substitutes like splenda, stevia, etc., that they still feel hungry throughout the day. Now I know what I'm gonna say might be unpleasant, but I think that if anyone else is having this issue, you might want to ditch the sugar substitutes. Don't do it cold turkey; that's always a recipe for disaster. But if you can cut down a little, and then a little more, until eventually you don't use sugar replacements at all, I think you might find your food cravings and hunger go away. I know for me, when I used to use those substances I had a lot of the same problems I hear people complain of: hunger, cravings, even abdominal cramps. But now that I've gone totally sugar free, I really don't have those issues anymore. In fact, I feel full for most of the day, on far fewer calories than I used to consume.

Just wanted to throw that out there, and I hope that this helps a few people! And if you don't want to give up the diet cokes, that is all good in my book. Like I said before, I would NEVER want to tell people what they can or cannot eat! I just thought that some people might like to know what a difference it can make to try to make the switch off of "diet" drinks and foods.


  • Agree 100%, but it obviously depends on the individual. I was basically addicted to regular soda/pop pre-July of this year. I have switched to zero calorie pop, typically Diet Mountain Dew...and I admit that I drink fairly copious amounts of it. But, at least for me, it does absolutely nothing to increase hunger. In fact, its very hard for me to take down the amount of calories I really need in a typical day. Maybe i'm the exception to the rule?
  • FXOjafar
    FXOjafar Posts: 173 Member
    I only use a natvia based sweetener in things like hot chocolate, mint tea or chocolate mousse so I guess I am at a minimum. I don't like sweet coffee so I don't have it every day! :)
  • Ralthor125
    Ralthor125 Posts: 139 Member
    There is a little science to back up all you have said. Your tongue senses something sweet which triggers the brain to request the release of a little insulin expecting sugar. When none is found in your stomach, the insulin release stops, but this only make you crave food all the more for a bit. Over time with this kind of pattern, the brain will stop responding to the sweet taste on the tongue if sugar is never found, thus those who don't crave more food with artificial sweeteners.

    Personally I just stay away from them...I like sour flavors more than sweet...yeah, I'm a little weird.