My First 5K (Warning for mixed emotions)

yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
I just finished my first 5k! It was one where zombies chased you and jumped out at you so it was a pretty fun theme.

I have a lot of mixed feelings on it though...

It was through a wooded area and I am very allergic to trees and grass, so during the race I started having bad allergy induced asthma and I think that affected my run a bit. I felt like crap right after I finished: I wasn't fast enough for my standards, I had to take a 20 second walking break because of the asthma which I really regret because I had made it to over three miles without a break and wanted to push through. Towards the end of the race I was really upset to the point where I thought that maybe I'm just not meant to be a runner and that I should just give up forever.

But it's been an hour since the end and I'm feeling a bit better now. I'm glad I did it and finished it even if i took that small break. It was fun looking back on it, but I wish I did a bit better. I know this is just me being a perfectionist but sometimes it feels like I'll never improve.

I'm also doing the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving so hopefully that goes a bit better.

Sorry to those on my friends list who are seeing this twice. Such mixed feelings about this race.


  • diadia1
    diadia1 Posts: 223 Member
    hey awesome for doing it and.... finishing it.
    You should be proud of yourself no matter what happened during the race.
    The fact is you managed to get to the finishing line and that is what counts.

    Congrats again.

    p.s. you will nail your next race because now you know you CAN DO it.
  • besdais
    besdais Posts: 76 Member
    Wow! I am so impressed. You have absolutely no reason to be upset with yourself. Think about 2 things:

    1, Where were you, running-wise, 2 or 3 months ago? Could you have accomplished what you did today? Have you persevered and accomplished something that a few months ago seemed impossible?

    2. Were there lots of spectators? Do you know why they were spectators and not running? Because most of them can't do what you did!

    It was your first 5K. You aren't expected to have a really fast time. I think you are awesome! Congratulations!
  • exmsde
    exmsde Posts: 85 Member
    Sounds like you did GREAT under very adverse conditions. Imagine how you'll do under better conditions!
  • cdh5068
    The majority of people aren't out there running at all. You're doing something amazing just by putting on your sneakers and running the best you can. 20 seconds of walking is nothing compared to the time you spent running, don't let such a little thing stop you from feeling proud of your accomplishments. Congrats on your first 5k!
  • lyzmorrison
    lyzmorrison Posts: 172 Member
    You're regretting 20 SECONDS of walking??? You should be so FREAKIN PROUD of yourself! WOW! I'm on W2D5 and I would end up walking the whole thing! If I was there with you, I'd be high-fiving you like crazy. And to think, 20 seconds of walking and you felt terrible! You are way too hard on yourself. First of signed up for the 5K. Second, you actually showed up! Third, you completed it even though you felt badly and fourth, you only walked about 20 seconds! Sounds like an A+++++++++ to me!

    Good on you!!!::happy: :happy:
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,157 Member
    I just did my first 5K in Sept. I'd only run the distance twice before. I wanted to run it all, not walk, but did the usual newbie mistakes, ran too fast in the beginning and tried to keep up with the others. I walked way more than 20 seconds and beat myself up for it. But now, weeks later, I'm okay with it. Like someone said upthread, where were you a few months ago? Someone said the same thing to me in the thread I posted berating myself too. But hey, we did a 5K - how cool is that? And I plan to do more. Hope you will too. :flowerforyou:
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    You did great just by starting and finishing! Think back to your first days of running - did you ever imagine that you would run 3.1 miles with only 20 seconds of walking ONE time????? That is great!

    You can't help the asthma and the impact that it has on you, but look at what you accomplished in spite of all that!

    Best of luck on your next race. :smile: