Week 9!

SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
Howzit girls,

Hope you all had a good weekend.
I am posting this now, tomorrow is going to be a rough day at the office, money is slow to come in, I havent been paid yet and theres no messing about on MFP tomorrow morning!

I joined a challenge from one of my friends, to see which team can do the most cardio in a week! EEK!
So I have got my brothers bicycle fixed and sorted, I am also planning to throw in some Taebo, thats always a big proper burn!
I am also going to keep up with my weights this week. I am planning to take out some of the isolated moves and throw in compound moves. Dont want to over do my body this week, so just seeing how things feel and what happens, weight training still scheduled for the am!

We in the last 4 weeks, its almost over, time to puush through and get it done!!
Wanted to share my arm progress so far :) Photo's are good, they make you realize how much work you still have to do :smile:


Its a lazy sunday morning and I had a lot of wine so excuse my goofball face lol. I am loving the definition that is showing!

I am going to be eating a good portion of my cardio calories back, but I am looking forward to a bit of an extra burn!


  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Hi, all!

    I’m getting over my bug. It benched me for two straight days, and I’m just now starting to feel like a normal person again.

    I took progress pics this morning, but there is no change in the mirror, plus I simply couldn’t find the same shorts I wore last month, and used a different pair, which are cut different, soooo…I said screw it. Ok, that and I look like crap - bad hair, no makeup and just *meh*…

    That said, I did take measurements and that is where the proof is:

    Weight: 9/8/13 − 158.2, 10/5/13 − 154.8, 11/3/13 − 150.0

    BF%: 9/8/13 − 25.75% 10/5/13 − 24% 11/3/13 − 24%

    Neck: 9/8/13 − 14” 10/5/13 − 13.5” 11/3/13 − 13.5"

    Waist: 9/8/13 − 31.5” 10/5/13 − 30.5” 11/3/13 − 29.75"

    Abs @ navel 9/8/13 − 35.75 10/5/13 − 32.5” 11/3/13 − 31.75"

    Hips: 9/8/13 − 38.25” 10/5/13 − 37” 11/3/13 − 36.75”

    I’m contemplating taking a rest week, but a lot of it is going to depend on how I feel tomorrow. The bug I was down with has sucked all of my energy and appetite, and don’t think I’ve eaten enough to fuel the lifts, but then, having not skipped a week thus far? I know me well enough to know I’ll more than likely be back in here tomorrow after work.
  • kerrygailis
    kerrygailis Posts: 121 Member
    Wow Charissa you can see definite progress in your arms good job :flowerforyou:

    Julie shame I hate it when we're sick it knocks the crap out of you. Your stats look amazing so well done.

    I haven't taken any progress pics either, last week was a right off and the weekend did my head in!! Stressed with a lot of things and just generally taking the strain of life!! I will not quit though and throw all my aggressions into my workouts. It's 1 month until my holidays and my daughters Birthday so I need to get a few more kilos off and less cellulite round my butt!!

    Hope you all have a great day and week :wink:
  • pinktoesjb
    pinktoesjb Posts: 302 Member
    Happy Monday Ladies, I appear to be back!

    Got in upper A today on heavier sets lower reps, that's where the original programme is right?

    Julie- I feel your pain I'm just getting past a chest infection and it really knocked me for six I've had NO energy, I had almost a week on rest which I now think I needed though I had lazyguilts at the time. Lots of slow walking in the fresh air yesterday and back to the gym this morning, I'm still a bit tired and feel a little run down but better for getting back to some activity.

    Charissa- good job on the gunshow :-P

    5mins elliptical warm up
    3x5x25kg chest press
    3x5x7kg dumbell bent over row
    3x5x4kg skull crushers tricep exts
    3x5x5kg dumbells shoulder press
    3x5x7kg dumbells bicep curls
    6 mins cycle cool down

    Had hoped to be on heavier weights by now but slow and steady is the way to carry on I think, hopefully back to former constistecy this week too!

    Have a great week girls, here we go.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Okay... I did it.

    Went to work and saw the nurse practitioner. She diagnosed me with a sinus infection and I got some antibioticas and am on the mend. At this moment I'm a little tired, but otherwise fine.

    Jen, I'm glad you're recovering. Illness sucks!

    Am in the tub and going to go from memory:

    Bench press 3x4x75 lbs
    Rows 3x5x75 lbs
    Curls 3x5x55 lbs
    OHP 3x4x55 lbs
    Skull crushers 3x6x20
    Kickbacks 6x4x20 ow ow ow, lol
    14 HIIT on elliptical.
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    Awesome work!
    Well this morning I did my Taebo workout, got up at 5am to get it in, then decided to do upper body a afterwards.
    I really dont want to over do anything, so I stuck to 8 reps on the weights. But damn it felt good. I cant believe I got it in after a 45 minute cardio session! I rode my bicycle yesterday, flippen hell my legs were so sore last night!!

    I am going to try get them in where I can, but only upping my weights from next week :smile:

    Great work all of you!

    Glad to hear everyone is getting better :happy:
  • pinktoesjb
    pinktoesjb Posts: 302 Member
    Lower B done. Lower sets increased on my leg curls, sl deadlifts, calf raises. Feeling that week off in everything else :-/ doing longer sets of crunches and leg raises also now.

    So I need to ask, what is everyone going to do when week 12 is over? Carry on with this routine or tweak?
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    I was wondering the same thing, Jen...

    I've been looking into Beautiful Badass (Nia Shanks), Strong Curves (Bret Contreras), and also cruising the bodybuilding.com site for another good twelve week program.

    I'm not going to know what to do without you guys to keep me accountable! :blushing:
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member

    PR’d across the board again tonight!

    Squat - 3x4x110#

    Deadlift - 3x4x150# (4/10 of a pound OVER my body weight) :bigsmile:

    Standing Calf Raise - 6x4x35# (3 sets each side)

    Glute Bridge - 3x6x150#

    Leg Extension - 3x6x90#

    Leg Curls - 3x4x65# (ow, ow, ow!)
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    Holy cow Julie!! That is amazing!!
    WELL DONE! :):):)

    :flowerforyou: :drinker: :love:

    I am exhausted today. Doing 45minute Taebo sessions every morning.
    I have only done Upper A this week, I actually cant wait for this week long challenge to be over! Monday is a rest day for SURE!
    Im aiming to burn 1000+ extra calories each day, man the more food is awesome!! :happy:

    But Im missing the weights big time!

    You girls are doing great! Keep at it, I will catch up next week!

    Have a good rest day!
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    I HAD to share this!! This afternoon I got a Jillian Michaels 30 day shred workout in (level 1)
    And at the end of it all I could think to myself was, Ag Cute man.

    WHoop whoop to kicking Jillians *kitten*!

    Weight lifting FTW!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    LOOOOOVE that! Because, you know, Jillian is the devil...I haven't tried a shred workout since early February and it near kicked my butt. Might need to try that tonite...Just for grins.
  • pinktoesjb
    pinktoesjb Posts: 302 Member
    upper b done, hurrah! Did not want to go as two screechy clique ick women from my work are suddenly at the gym every morning being all squealy and irritating, it was like being back in gym at school waiting for someone to hit me with a hockey stick :-/ then in the changing rooms they were whinging about having sore legs having been on a treadmill and done some leg raises. B1tch, please!!!!!!!

    I feel better about myself now, and I don't care if that makes me a bad person!

    Dips and chin ups were a struggle as always, increased on the cable curls to 5kg dbs and looking forwards to seeing if I can go up some with legs tomorrow. Got in 6 mins elliptical and 6 mins HIIT bike today also.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    upper b done, hurrah! Did not want to go as two screechy clique ick women from my work are suddenly at the gym every morning being all squealy and irritating, it was like being back in gym at school waiting for someone to hit me with a hockey stick :-/ then in the changing rooms they were whinging about having sore legs having been on a treadmill and done some leg raises. B1tch, please!!!!!!!

    I feel better about myself now, and I don't care if that makes me a bad person!

    Dips and chin ups were a struggle as always, increased on the cable curls to 5kg dbs and looking forwards to seeing if I can go up some with legs tomorrow. Got in 6 mins elliptical and 6 mins HIIT bike today also.

    This just made me grin ear to ear! I was the kid picked last for all the teams in high school...scrawny and weak. No, it doesn't make you a bad person at all...what it makes you is a STRONG, CONFIDENT WOMAN!!!! :love:

    Upper b for me tonight, as well. Can't wait!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Ok, upper B:

    Decline push-up 3x4
    Dips 3x5x35#
    Triceps Extensions - standing: 6x5x10# (ten on the dumbbell, 3 sets per side)
    Lat Raise DB side - 3x4x30#
    Triceps kickbacks 6x4x15#
    OHP- 3x5x55#
    Biceps curls - 3x5x55#
    11 minutes HIIT on the elliptical. Boom!
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    Amazing work Julie and Jen :wink:
    I am pulling out of this cardio challenge, My shoulders and knees are killing me today.

    I think 7 days straight is a little excessive!

    Taking a proper 3 day rest this weekend, so I will see you all on monday morning!
    SO GREAT to see you all killing it this week :):):) Makes my heart glad, and totally jealous all at the same time!

    Have a great one!
  • kerrygailis
    kerrygailis Posts: 121 Member
    HI Ladies sorry I have not checked in this week. Been busy with school interviews again and swimming gala yesterday and trying to wind down the tutoring work, still got some noobs who are leaving everything to the last minute!!

    I have not been doing as much weights as I should of this week, I'm lacking self motivation and discipline to be honest, I have been swimming and doing a bit of cardio so not a complete waste.

    Also been eating what I like which is not always good. I am just not sure how to kick myself up the *kitten* and get back on 100%!

    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. You're all doing amazing keep it up :flowerforyou:
  • pinktoesjb
    pinktoesjb Posts: 302 Member
    Lower B and week 9 done. Felt great this morning and got up a little early and as childish as it is I might be swapping my regular breakfast for a big spoon of peanut butter!

    6 mins incline walk
    leg press 3x6x39kg plus the little extra mini weight at the top but I can't remember how much that is!
    3x5x20kg barbell deadlifts
    3x5 per leg x 10kg lunges
    I skipped shoulder shrugs
    seated calf raises 3x8x39kg then 1x6 at 45kg
    hip adduction 3x6x39kg
    hip abduction as above
    5 min run as there was time

    Feeling the upper body workout a little now and my knees are pretty sore, may have not been watching form enough on lunges or DLs. more coffee then to get this day out of the way and on to the weekend!

    Have a good one girls.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Charissa changed her name! :) I love it! ♥

    Hi, Kerry! We've missed you! Life can totally get in the way, for sure. I have really been struggling to keep up with my workouts this week.

    Jen, Dang girl! Nice work! Lower body B this afternoon and then to work on the kitchen floor. We have moisture damage and the sub-floor needs to be replaced.

    Holy moses! Fridays are so hard because I’m TIRED…but I PR’d again today on everything but squats..altho, that is kind of a PR, too, as I did one more rep than last time:

    Squat - 3x5x110#

    DL - 3x4x155#

    Glute Bridge - 3x5x155#

    Seated calf raise - 3x6x115# (and broke a damned nail when caught my finger between the to 45# plates)

    Standing leg press 3x4x90#

    Shrug - 3x5x90#

    Good Morning - 3x4x85#

    Tomorrow I will be working on fixing the sub-floor, so plan on it being and active rest day, thought I would kind of like to get a run in, since I have the last 5K of the season next Saturday.