low carb + fruit

Hi everyone!

I have been on a keto based diet for just over a month now and love it. However I would really love to be able to introduce fruit into my diet. Not much at all..probably not even 1 piece a day. Maybe just 2/3 pieces a week. Is it possible to stay in keto and still eat a small amount of fruit?


  • sb4480
    sb4480 Posts: 199 Member
    Sure it is. If you've been doing keto for that long and you're close to your goal/maintaining, then adding a small amount of carbs back in is a good thing to do. I'd start with lower carb fruits and see how your body handles them. I believe "low carb" is considered to be anything under 100g a day and induction is under 20, so if you can find your sweet spot in the middle then you should be fine.
  • danni_l
    danni_l Posts: 144 Member
    You can have certain fruits, Im fairly sure berries are pretty low carb, or I sometimes just have half a piece of fruit, couple of slices of melon etc. Just good to check it out online before you eat it! :)
  • jsuaccounting
    jsuaccounting Posts: 193 Member
    After adjusting to keto - I can usually do half a cup of blueberries with heavy cream and stay in ketosis. I have also eaten half a pear with about 3 ounces of cream cheese. However, you don't have to stay in ketosis all the time to get the benefits from low carb. It should be possible to fit fruit in if you are looking to stay under 50-60 carb grams per day and don't eat bread/pasta/low fat dairy. Berries are the best choice. Pears and apples I think are also good. However, bananas are really high in sugar.