11-04-2013 Weigh-in... Let's pick it up!!!

bitxbit Posts: 1,465 Member
Okay, l'll be brave and start this!

This was a rough week! Had a fast food attack (not planned, was out of town) and made really poor choices...switched back to day shift (felt hungrier during the day)...grilled brats for my husband's birthday (love brats!!) and suffered a *female* "Crave & Cave"!! Arrgghhh! I had actually hit 313.5# on the morning of the 31st, but l sometimes do that...hit a low, then raise back up and then drop all at once. Hopefully, it won't take too long!

I left my Phase 2 goal where it was originally, so...

**Phase 1 (8/1 -10/31/13) SW--->GW = 346---->315 32.5# loss (goal was 31#)** Completed**

Phase 2 (11/1 - 1/31/14) SW--->GW = 315--->290 ?? # loss (goal was 25#)
SW for Phase 2_________315
PW (previous weight)____ 313.5 (10/31)
CW (current weight)_____ 317 (11/4)
Loss (this week)________ gained 2 (11/4)
Loss Total (phase #2)____gained 2 (goal of 25#) = 27# to go, to goal

Let's see those numbers! I know l'm not here, all by myself! ~bit♥


  • KatOls49
    I'M HERE!! I'M HERE!!
    SW (for current phase): 224
    PW (previous weight): 224
    CW (current weight): 228
    Loss (this week): +4 = VERY BAD!!
    Loss Total (this phase): +4

    On Saturday, I drove 8 hours round trip to pick up new puppies so I ate fast food and drank soda!! NOT GOOD!! Lesson learned!!
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    Here and accounted for. Worst week ever last week but this week is getting normal. I think. Where are our peeps? Lol
    Sw for this phase: 196
    Pw 196
    Cw: 195.2
    Loss this week 1
    Loss all together. 7
    We got this!!!
  • michellenichole83
    michellenichole83 Posts: 119 Member
    I'm around too. Life has gotten in the way the last few weeks! And I have a huge weakness for halloween candy! I'm PMSing like crazy, and am super bloated :-S I weighed in at 191 something on monday, but my "official" weigh in for the gym was 195.2 on wednesday!

    SW 192.8
    CW 195.2
    Loss +2.4
    To Go 17.2

    Hopefully once all this water weight goes away, I'll be able to post a loss!! It's been a while!