Season 4 - Ep. 5 - "Internment" - 11/10/13



  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    I just want to know where Martinez and the other guy that went off with the Governor are. All the preview clips only showed the Governor.

    Martinez sighting in the AMC Sneak Peek AnaNotBanana posted in the next episode's thread.

    Oh sweet, I love Martinez! Really hoping he switches sides as I hate to see him side with the Governor. Couldn't watch the clip on my work computer :grumble:

    I don't know if he would be able to go to the good side. I definitely think that he's with the Governor partly out of fear but he had the opportunity to take the Governor out and didn't. The Governor has always taken care of Martinez so he has no reason to betray him.

    I think he could turn away from the dark side... Remember last season when he was bonding with Darryl? Darryl was kind of a jerk way back when he was under Merle's thumb, so perhaps Martinez could get out from under the Governor's thumb. He seemed like a cool character and, frankly, a badass, so it would be great to see him do good stuff. He also seemed pretty disturbed when the Governor killed all those people, so maybe he's with him out of fear. Once he sees he can be safe with Rick's group, he might seek to join them.

    Good point!! I totally forgot how they all had their little bonding moments while Rick and the Governor were trying to come to a conclusion. So maybe the problem wouldn't be him turning to the good side but him being accepted by the good side.