I was doing it wrong!

I watched the video again and apparently, I wasn't supposed to be resting 2 minutes between each exercise, but between each *round* of exercises! No wonder I was feeling like it was a pretty easy workout (and it was taking me an hour and a half, lol). So! I've learned:

A) Watch the whole damn video when looking something up.

B) Don't rest between exercises, but between sets.

PS - today's strength training = ow.


  • Triciad811
    Triciad811 Posts: 268 Member
    oh no ! better to realize it now than at the end of the month :)

    I had to watch it again too. I suck at the lunges and wanted to watch that part again. I still have to use a chair for support.

    I am hoping by the end of the month I can do more than 3 sets without any support!!
  • SlytherinPrefect
    SlytherinPrefect Posts: 64 Member
    That's an awesome goal. I think now that I'm not supposed to rest in between exercises, I bet I'm going to go down to 1-2 sets total before I'm wiped out. :( I'll get back up there, though!
  • Geminihuntress
    Geminihuntress Posts: 199 Member
    I didn't get off to a good start. I only did one round on the 1st and forgot about it over the weekend and class last night so all I got in was a half hour walk/run.

    I'll have to do three rounds every evening this week if I want to get caught up. So if you do three sets do you count the total reps of the 3 sets? Does that make sense?
  • Triciad811
    Triciad811 Posts: 268 Member
    that is how i was counting ... hope it is right :) lol
  • SlytherinPrefect
    SlytherinPrefect Posts: 64 Member
    Yep, that's how I do it. And the goal totals on the overview page are totaled if you did 1 set 3x a week, 2 sets 3x a week, and 3 sets 3x a week. That way, if you fall in the middle, you know where you're averaging (and maybe set the goal up higher for next month).