South Beach - Phase 1/Day 1

KRoth416 Posts: 37 Member
Hello everyone!

I'm starting the SBD for my....3rd time?...I had started at MFP with a 6 lb weight loss success and then it just stopped. Granted life picked up and my exercising stopped also (me and my fat dog are now paying for that). BUT I have decided to dust off my SBD book and cut carbs out of my life. A latte and bagel w/ cream cheese for breakfast every morning is NO way to lose weight!

For day one, I have eliminated my coffee and opted to go with a cup of hot tea (no sugar) and so far so good! For dinner I plan on garlic tossed shrimp on a bed of cauli-rice.

Lunch/snacks are a no go due to time constraints this morning with my children......I will be drinking tons of water to offset the hunger pains unfortunately.