Atkins bars

So far I have only tried the choc chip daybreak bars, which taste great but seeem to have a lot of omious ingredients. Do you guys eat any of the Atkins branded food or just stick to the principles of the diet? Not had any bad side effects from the bars yet but don't want to risk it if they're going to end up doing more harm than good.


  • sb4480
    sb4480 Posts: 199 Member
    I'm gluten intolerant so I can't eat any of the branded stuff. But I'd be wary of them. I can speak from having to adopt a gluten free lifestyle at 21, that when you go on an elimination diet (which is what Atkins is), if you try and replace 1:1 the things you've eliminated, in this case carbs in the form of bread, candy, etc, you'll not be as successful as if you just cut them out all together. Why? Because to make those things taste good and adhere to the restrictions of the eliminated ingredients they have to add other stuff, like fat, sugar (or sugar alcohols), and chemical garbage. Besides, even with the sugar alcohols and fiber deducted from the carb count they're still pretty high in carbs.

    I would experiment with making your own bars at home with nut flour, stevia, coconut oil, and cocoa powder. i don't have a recipe on hand, but I bet you could find one with a google search.
  • aliceclutz90
    aliceclutz90 Posts: 151 Member
    Great advice - thanks!