caseythirteen's bulking log

Hi everyone - my name is Kim and I'm jumping in the bulking pool! It's scary but I know it's the only way for me to make any changes. I want to add some mass and definitely strength so I'm going to give my first bulk a try. I'm scared of the weight gain but I know it's a means to an end. My husband's a bit scared of my *****ing and moaning about it over the coming weeks though. :happy:

SW: 114 (up from ultimate low of 110 - that was too low for me)
BF%: Likely in the 18-19% range
TDEE: Not totally sure. I'm eating about 2200 cals/day during the week but with much higher weekends lately it's actually averaging out to about 2400-2500ish. I've been the same weight for weeks too so I'm guessing TDEE is closer to 2400.
Calories: Going to start with raising to 2300/day and trying to do better about keeping more on track over the weekends. Want to start slowly.
Program: PHUL on Muscle & Strength. This is my second week and so far I really like the split! I was doing 3 day full body before that.

I've been lifting consistently for a little over a year with a couple setbacks along the way due to injuries. I've also taken a few steps back on some lifts to focus on form and working my way back up. As far as length of the bulk, I know 12 weeks would be ideal but I'm going to just try and make it as long as I can. If I run out of clothes to wear, it might be time to stop.

I don't have any recent photos (other than avi) but I will try and take some soon. Also going to do my official beginning measurements tomorrow morning. Looking forward to being part of what already seems like a fantastic group!

(ETA: it gave me a chuckle to see that it turned my "b!tching" in to "*****ing")


  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Welcome! Most of us are a little scared, but we're here to support you through the ups and downs.
  • sarahstrezo
    sarahstrezo Posts: 568 Member
    Yay, Kim....I'm so glad you are here!!!! You are going to KILL a bulk, I just know it!!

    And, FTR....I think you are below 18-19% BF. You have a very defined 6 pack, girl and your arms are seriously cut!
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    You are my girl Kim and we will help you through every step. Like I said, your body is too rocking and I can only imagine where you're going to go after this. And yes I agree, you're definitely in the 15-16% range if not a tad lower, so it's time to bulk up a little bit. I know personally when I was at a lower BF, while nice and all to rock abs, is when injuries started happen. More food, faster recovery. :)
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    Thanks ladies! Holly and Sarah - you two are definitely inspiration for me and why I'm actually doing this!

    As for my BF%, I agree that it was lower a few months ago but thinking it may not be as low now. Plus, I carry extra in the thigh area but who knows.

    Measurements as of 11/7/2013:

    weight: 114
    chest: 32.5
    waist (smallest area): 25.5
    waist (belly button): 28.5
    hips: 34
    thighs: 20.5
    bicep: 10.5 (flexed: 11)

    Chest and waist are already up a little from 6 weeks ago. Thinking chest could (hopefully) be from the back work. Thinking waist could be from the yummy food.
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Sounds good to me--how tall are you?
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    Yea, I guess that would be good info too!

    I'm 5'5".
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Cool--I'm 5'6", so close to my height. Our measurements are pretty close except I'm more hippy (36") and my biceps are smaller (11" flexed)
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    Nevermind ... photos aren't working for some damn reason!

    <-- One is my avi
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    You look ripped!
  • ssaraj43
    ssaraj43 Posts: 575 Member
    You look amazing!!
  • sarahstrezo
    sarahstrezo Posts: 568 Member
    Your midsection is TDF!
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Wth?! You've been hiding from us for awhile! Absolutely amazing!
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    Thanks ladies! I really appreciate it! I'm definitely not unhappy with the way I look which is why deciding to bulk has been a hard decision. But I'm hoping I will be even happier when the process is finished not only in terms of looks but strength too.

    Trying the pictures again ...

  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    I got a new scale yesterday so starting off with a brand new starting weight and forgetting the rest.

    Start of Week 2 --
    Weight: 115.4
    Avg. Calories: 2261
    Avg. Calories (by macros): 2321 (this one is for you Holly :wink: )

    Did much better ever the weekend but Saturday is a bit of a guess since I was at an event at night. Since this is my new starting weight, I have no gains or losses to report. It was definitely a bit harder than I thought to get my calories up there every day. Yesterday I just couldn't do it. I'm going to stick with a goal of 2300 for another week and then go from there.

    In the gym, I'm still really enjoying my program. It makes me excited to get up and go to the gym most days - especially upper days! I realized today though that since I'm only doing each thing once a week I need to up my game a bit more. Gotta use the food as fuel and push myself some more.
  • sarahstrezo
    sarahstrezo Posts: 568 Member
    It took me a bit to get used to more food too. And then....that problem went away ;)
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    How the hell are you supposed to figure out an appropriate calorie level when your weight is all over the damn map? It's ridiculous! My body is very susceptible to sodium and it's really freakin' annoying. Seriously, I weighed every day this week and this is what it looks like: 114.8, 117.4, 118.6, 115.8, 114.8, 114.8, 116.2

    What am I supposed to do with that? Is 114.8 right since it came up three times all after "normal" sodium days? The 117 and 118 were absolutely a result of high sodium. But yesterday it was just a little high so definitely didn't expect to see a 1.4 lb increase this morning. WTH!!!

    My average calories were in the 2480-2580 range when you consider the higher days over the weekends. However, on a week day basis, I struggle just to get to 2300. I changed my macros a couple days ago though because I was finding I was having a harder time hitting calorie targets with a lower fat limit. I wasn't eating my almonds and avocados because of it so hopefully that will help me reach my limits.

    I've felt fine all week in the gym until this morning when I was starting to feel a bit tired. I still did more workout but would have liked more energy for it. I definitely need to push a bit harder too.

    So now I just don't know what to do. I don't think I've gained any weight so in the absence of really knowing, I think I might up my calories a little bit. Of course it won't help that Thanksgiving is next week either when it comes to number crunching. Ahhhh!

    Would love any thoughts.
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Weight fluctuations are annoying, which is why I weight myself once a week and just go with it. Sunday morning is my day. The idea is that we eat out on Saturday nights so I'll be approximately the same level of bloated from excess sodium ever week LMAO. I don't know if that helps you or not, but I really think weighing in less frequently and looking for trends over time is the easiest on the mind.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Same thing for cutting, you have to give it a few weeks to see a trend. Don't up until you stick at this range for another week so see how it works. Everyone wants to up so fast without knowing if they really need to. What's your water intake and potassium intake like? I don't freak out about sodium bc I drink enough water and eat enough potassium to counteract it. Yes you might still have some puffiness but it shouldn't be main culprit. Remember every gram of carb hold about 0.3g/water so lifting and glycogen stores will show weight peaks. My advice would be to stick with it another week and see how you do then. Miss you!
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    Same thing for cutting, you have to give it a few weeks to see a trend. Don't up until you stick at this range for another week so see how it works. Everyone wants to up so fast without knowing if they really need to. What's your water intake and potassium intake like? I don't freak out about sodium bc I drink enough water and eat enough potassium to counteract it. Yes you might still have some puffiness but it shouldn't be main culprit. Remember every gram of carb hold about 0.3g/water so lifting and glycogen stores will show weight peaks. My advice would be to stick with it another week and see how you do then. Miss you!

    Miss you too! So glad you're having a good time though.

    As for water, it's typically all I drink besides my morning coffee. I've stopped tracking it though because it just got to be annoying (kids drink out of my cup, I fill up before my cup is empty, etc.). I'd say generally though I have more than 80oz a day. I'll definitely try and be more aware of it though. For potassium, that's so hard to say since all foods don't report on it. I never reach 3500 but often reach or exceed 2000 according to the info supplied. You're right though - sodium is not going to be the only culprit and I need to give it more time.
    Weight fluctuations are annoying, which is why I weight myself once a week and just go with it. Sunday morning is my day. The idea is that we eat out on Saturday nights so I'll be approximately the same level of bloated from excess sodium ever week LMAO. I don't know if that helps you or not, but I really think weighing in less frequently and looking for trends over time is the easiest on the mind.

    I definitely like NOT weighing in so frequently but right now I'm doing it so I can get an idea of how my body reacts to things and how the general fluctuations go. Doing it the same day is definitely a good idea though. Friday is my official day so techincally if we go by last Friday compared to this Friday I'm up .8lbs. But since both of those numbers are higher than 3 other numbers I saw during the week, I just don't know what to go by. Ergo the frustration. But like Holly said, I just need to give it more time. And weigh in on Thursday this week and not Friday. :laugh: