New Topic: Tofu? Anyone tried it?

I just watched an episode of "Not My Mama's Meals" and he did the whole show on Tofu. He said very high in protein, so I wondered if anyone uses that for their protein source? Favorite recipe? Ok to try early on? :)


  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    Tofu is really good--it absorbs the flavors of the food you cook it with. I have made tofu stir fries and used it along with chicken or in place of it. You can google a lot of recipes for it. Some you might like, some not. I love chicken breast and fish, so I eat more meat than anything, but tofu is a good choice.
  • sadiegirl32
    sadiegirl32 Posts: 181 Member
    Love tofu but I don't find it all that high in protein so I will throw it in a stir fry with other protein. It has no flavor on its own so if you can get past the spongy texture you would be good to go. Just remember there are 2 kinds, firm and silken. Firm can be cut etc. silken pretty much has the consistency of pudding lol
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    I have a few soup recipes that I add soft tofu to, but I don't use it other than that.