
Luizam25 Posts: 87 Member
edited February 7 in Social Groups
Hello all,

I have been diagnosed with Type 2 in Dec 2009. It's been a constant struggle to keep my blood sugar under control. I use meds and follow a diet. My most difficult task is keeping the fasting sugar low. My morning readings are terrible. I have high values (between 7.8 and 9). On a good day a can go under 7. The problem is that a I do not always know what triggers the spikes as I generally follow the same routine/diet.

Any advice? What are your challenges?



  • cathylopez1975
    cathylopez1975 Posts: 191 Member
    Highs can also be caused by stress or not sleeping well (or enough) according to my diabetes educator/nutritionist. Do you keep a log of all you eat to see if there could be something causing variations? I know that white pasta and sweets (candy especially) cause spikes for me. There are those trigger foods that can do it.
  • Luizam25
    Luizam25 Posts: 87 Member
    Thanks Cathy,

    white rice is really terrible for me, so I avoid it. I do have some stress/less sleep sometimes.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member helped me to figure out how to control my blood sugar. In short, Keto diet + Metformin = < 30# and blood sugars within normal limits (as long as I don't indulge).

    I've been diagnosed for about 6 months now and have learned a great deal about my personal patterns from studying the site listed above.

    First off, high fasting blood sugars are very common, go to site listed above & click on 'Why Is Blood Sugar Highest in the Morning?'

    Then, click on 'The 5% Club: They Normalized Their Diabetic Blood Sugars and So Can You!'

    There's plenty to read, so get you some coffee & have at it, I promise you'll find information that can help you right now. Over time, it will help you to learn your own patterns & control your blood sugars.

    Good luck friend & if you have any other more specific questions that the site doesn't answer, ask away. Lots of supportive folks who have been in your shoes are happy to help.
  • Luizam25
    Luizam25 Posts: 87 Member
    Thank you very much my friend. Your info is gold. I get really upset with my readings sometime. I'll go to the website now.
  • Thanks for the info about! I will take a look at it tomorrow morning with my coffee!
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