Stuck on a numbe1

WrenPat60 Posts: 45 Member
Hi! It has been awhile since I posted in this group. I am stuck on a number. Will it ever go down? If it takes this long to long one pound, I should be my ideal weight by age 100!


  • creay2012
    creay2012 Posts: 124 Member
    I feel like gaining is no problem but losing is almost impossible. I wish I would have been told how difficult it would have been once I had my tt.
  • coburngirl2
    coburngirl2 Posts: 87 Member
    I agree. My doctors told me it's more common to gain and not to lose. The frustrates me, but there are people who are losing, have lost and are keeping it off. I started losing after I had my BMR tested and found out I was about 600 calories under how much I should be eating. It's still a slow process but it is coming off oh a pound a month lol. Endo told me I could take Alli but no thermogenics or anything that stimulates thyroid function because of the cancer. Alli's first side effect is "leakage." I'd rather try losing the old fashioned way then crapping my pants because I want a doughnut or some french fries:noway: