Dairy products

Anyone cutting down on dairy or going dairy-free? I've been reading The China Study and it's made me question my reliance on milk and cheese as a major protein source. Plus I am a little lactose intolerant, so it will probably make me feel better!


  • hmoberly
    hmoberly Posts: 3 Member
    If you have a source or raw milk that may be ideal. A lot of people who are lactose intolerant still fair very well with that. The availability varies by state and area but worth looking into. Otherwise maybe a more local non-homogenized alternative? We have Snowville here, its a nice alternative to straight conventional store milk.
  • Isaperard
    Isaperard Posts: 12 Member
    I cut dairy out of my diet close to 8 months ago. I never thought I was lactose intolerant until I stopped eating dairy. Almost immediately I felt better, less gassy (and I didn't consider myself a gassy person!), less mucous.... just better. I can't say it was easy. Cheese was the most difficult to give up mostly because I didn't realize how often it was in my food! There are SO many dairy alternatives out there now so it's not that difficult.

    A bit of advice if you decide to move away from dairy, don't use fake cheese. You know the stuff they sell in the store as "cheese alternatives"? The stuff is made almost entirely out of oil. It's really fattening and doesn't taste that great.

    Good luck!