keeping up

Hi, Im on day 3 and love it but I have a few questions.

1. I cant keep up and keep taking breaks, is that ok? Im sweating like mad but probably only doing 2/3rd of the exercise due to tiredness

2. I just cant do thse push up exercises, anyone know I programme I can use to build them muscles, I go down but cant get up.

3. Has anyone done the programme like me and succeeded

Thanks scott


  • LuvPoleFitness
    LuvPoleFitness Posts: 5 Member

    I'm on week 3 of Insanity and I found that at the start I was really struggling even just after the warm up and I was stopping and starting the dvd but each day I push myself a little bit further. Even after 3 weeks I can feel the difference. Each day the workouts don't get easier I just work harder.

    Hopefully you are still sticking at it and noticing a difference in yourself and the results will show each time you take your fitness test.

    Hope to hear about your progress :smile: