New to the group and new to running

Hi, I have just joined the group in an attempt to help loose weight. I have 40 pounds to loose.

I have never been able to run, even when I was younger. I can't even run 10 yards....I have just quit smoking (social smoker). I am very unfit...

Can anyone give me some good pointers to get me going? I am going to go on my first run (walk/jog) tomorrow morning.




  • Slrajr
    Slrajr Posts: 438 Member
    Let us know how it goes:)

    My advice is run slower if you feel like it's too hard, and stretch after. Are you doing c25k?
  • besdais
    besdais Posts: 76 Member
    I am also a former smoker - quit 8 months ago. Read as much as you can, and pay attention when people tell you to start off SLOW. I'm just on week 2, and I run like a sloth. I figure I will just get the running thing down and worry about the speed later (much, much later...) I might suggest you start out spending a couple weeks doing brisk walks, just to get your body used to exercising and moving. Then move into the C25K. Do you have an app downloaded or a podcast? Those are very helpful, and I found downloading some favorite, up-beat songs helps, too. Good luck and let us know how it goes!
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Welcome! Believe in the program and follow it. When you start to tire and feel like you'll have to stop running, try talking out loud a litt bit. If you can't converse, slow down. It'll feel "too" slow but it won't be.
    Let us know how you do.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I was the same way last year. Couldn't run. It hurt. I'd get exercise induced asthma. Just get out there three days a week and run as slowly as you can each time. Also, invest in good shoes- get fitted at a run store.

    Don't worry about how well you're doing, just focus on the day at hand. Assess where you are at the end of the 9 weeks.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    - Wear good shoes
    - Run as slow as you need to. If you're having problems, run slower.
    - Don't let your fears stop you from progressing to the next week. Try it. If you aren't able to do it, fine. Try again or make it slightly easier one time and then try again. Keep going until you can do it. Don't let your fears stop you from trying.

    I was concerned when I started because I couldn't even walk 30 minutes straight, let alone do any running. I had absolutely no endurance. I really couldn't. So I walked. I walked as long as I could every day, twice a day if I could, until I could walk for 30 minutes. Then I started C25K. I did each day even if it was scary. A very few, maybe two of the days, I didn't finish, mainly due to heat as I was running in July and August. That just meant I had to repeat them. Some runs I only finished because for the last bit I was telling myself, "You better complete this run, because if you don't you'll have to do it all over again.". By the end though I found that I was enjoying it, maybe not the run itself all the time, but the feeling that I got in completing it and the energy and strength I gain from getting out and doing it.