This is not discouraging (my new mantra apparently)

vondelynn Posts: 30 Member
Started walking last week to gear up for this 5K, back to tracking and even though I was only over by 100-300 calories a day the last 3 days, I gained 3 lbs. I'm going to chalk it up to the bounce of more exercise.... I can do this! This is not discouraging... this is not discouraging.... this is not discouraging... (this is my new mantra apparently)


  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member
    Options yeah, I know that can be discouraging when you are trying hard to do the right things and it doesn't seem to be paying off as you would like...PARTICULARLY on the scale. BUT before we panic....with the increased exercise have you been upping your water intake??? When you exercise your muscles retain water naturally and the best way to flush the excess water is to drink more water.

    GREAT JOB getting moving though! Must feel good to be out there getting some exercise! Just think, your body is getting stronger and stronger!
  • vondelynn
    vondelynn Posts: 30 Member
    I can't really increase my water too much more - I already drink 3-24 oz glasses daily, 4 if I start my day with coffee. I think it's that bounce you get when you increase exercise, or at least I'm hoping, I'm also going to watch my added (and hidden) salt too.

    Thanks for encouraging... I know I'll get there.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Nah dont worry keep pushing forward a big body can push big losses and gains overnight. But every step you make and every bite your portion out is making a difference.