Week 10! :)

SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
Good morning ladies,

Hope you all rested up nicely the weekend and are ready to kick today's *kitten*!!

Ah it felt so good to be lifting weights again and not being all hot and sweaty from cardio.
If anyone ever invites you to a SEVEN day challenge.. just say no. lol.

My left shoulder is still a little bit tender, (its not the muscle so much as the inner joint, think its more of a tendon thats overused than muscle damage) so I didnt push the weights up on all the moves, (most except one, are exactly the same as the week before) but also not too worried, just getting back into the swing of things this week. I am also in a bit of a position where I have the heavier weights but not the in-betweens again. Sigh.

Bench Press 6 x 25kgs x 3
Bent Row 6 x 25kgs x 3
Shoulder press 6 x 12kgs x 3
Tricep Ext 6 x 12kgs x 3
Barbell curls 4 x 20kgs x 3 (this is pretty much the only one I moved the weights up on)

Can feel last week's break from strength training, seriously concentrating on just getting back in there this week, even though that puts me about 2 weeks behind you girls I am okay with that :)

Felt so good to be back in there this morning!!


  • pinktoesjb
    pinktoesjb Posts: 302 Member
    I missed out this morning as I've got a real pain in the side of my neck and shoulder, most likely from lugging around my 18 month old niece yesterday afternoon! Didn't feel like a good idea to put bench and shoulder presses on it today. I should have gone in and done lower a this morning and tried upper tomorrow but 6am logic sent me back to bed instead :-/

    Well done to be back at it C, I really noticed the gap after missing a few sessions too it's frustrating but I'm sure it will be back soon enough.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    *pant pant*


    Did HIIT stair running for 20 flights at work late this afternoon, then came home and did the following:

    Bench Press 3x4x80# (New PR)

    Row 2x4x80#, 1x5x80#

    Biceps Curl 3x4x60# (new PR)

    OHP 3x4x60#

    Skull Crusher/Tri Ext 3x4x30#

    Kickbacks 6x5x15#

    Then finished it off with a 12:30 mile in the neighborhood because: 5K on Saturday. I am pleased to say that in that 12:30, I only walked 1:30 of it - three 30 second walks. If it hadn’t gotten so bloody cold out, I might have gone longer, but my knees were starting to feel it. :)

    C- your bench is impressive! Yanno, because you were out of it for a week! BOOM, baby! :heart: :love: :flowerforyou:

    J- three cheers for 6 a.m. logic! :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    Damn Julie! When I grow up I want to be like you! WTG!!!
    80!! That's like 36kgs!! and exactly what I am hoping to get up next week!


    Squat 25kgs x 6 x 3
    Sumo Squat 25kgs x 6 x 3
    SL Deadlift 25kgs x 6 x 3
    Calf Raises 40kgs x 6 x 3 (lol yep this is the only one that weights are up :blushing: )
    10minutes yoga core

    Maaan oh man I love lifting!! Cardio is for the birds! lol. It aint going to see me for a while again!

    So my weights and moving them up... I havent been doing this week, clearly lol.
    Squats its just for form, I want to get *kitten* to the grass and my flexibility isnt that great yet. So spending way more time concentrating on that.. shoulder and knees are still a bit of a problem area right now, in the sense that I am not going to put too much pressure on them. Next week its my week!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Girl, you have GOT this! Better to focus on form to avoid injury than to pile to much on and get hurt. :)

    Our weather is changing and they are calling for a wee chance of snow flurries this afternoon, which means my studio is going to be really cold, as will my bar across my shoulders for squats this afternoon, LOL...May have to have the hubs turn some heat on before I get there...
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    Hubs turn on the heat for when you get there.. :laugh: :laugh: Sorry my mind went straight to the gutter! lol.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Hubs turn on the heat for when you get there.. :laugh: :laugh: Sorry my mind went straight to the gutter! lol.

    Bwahahaha! One of my favorite sayings is this: If not for the gutter, my mind would be homeless. :bigsmile: :laugh:
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    So, yeah. I was tired. I also has the dumb, therefore could not math today. I screwed up and put down that I needed to do 3x5 at 115 because I did 3x4 last time.

    Um, yeah…I did 110 last time. Went up 5 pounds and an extra rep per set because I can’t count. But I did it, so there’s that. :laugh:

    As follows:

    Squat - 3x5x115#

    Deads- 3x4x155# (remained the same…i was wiped out)

    Standing Calf Raise - 6x4x45#

    Glute Bridge - 3x6x155#

    Leg Ext - 3x4x95#

    Leg curl - 3x5x65#

    So happy tomorrow is a rest day. I might interval stairs (oh, yeah, I did 22 flights of those today, too) to get a little burn in, and had planned a run, but it’s not going to get above 45 degrees Fahrenheit here tomorrow and will be windy as hell, and I don’t do wind.
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    One of my favorite sayings is this: If not for the gutter, my mind would be homeless. :bigsmile: :laugh:

    I LOVE it!! lol. Never heard this one before, its going to be a favorite! :laugh:

    Great job! you are doing so beautifully!
  • kerrygailis
    kerrygailis Posts: 121 Member
    Morning all

    Well I am in absolute agony. Not sure if I have pulled a nerve in my neck plus the muscle in between my shoulders, I went to the gym last night though I would take it easy, did an ab class and some swimming. Soo stupid. Got out the pool and felt the pain back worse than ever!!

    So frustrated cause now I can't do anything!! :cry: It hurts to just move my left arm.

    So I am going to spend the day wallowing in self pity. Hope you all have a nice day though :ohwell:
  • pinktoesjb
    pinktoesjb Posts: 302 Member
    I was the same Monday Kerry it's rubbish! In my experience you do just need to rest it though, I do feel your pain hope it eases up.

    My efforts have sucked this week with pinched shoulder, return of the flu bug from hell and general mehness. Feel a lot better today though.
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    Im friends with one chickie who is doing the stronglifts, they actually have a week long break between the different stages.
    I wonder if thats maybe a good thing..

    We have all been pushing hard, funny how all the injuries crop up!
    Take time out, heal and rest!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Oh, yeah...a rest week is really important. Especially after the heavier weights during this four weeks. I'm thinking jogging and walking for calorie burn but no weights for that week, which will make me crazy, but it's good to have rest and de-load weeks.

    Kerry, I'm sorry you're having pain. I woke up one morning in June with a crick in my neck, went out and lifted and the next day I was numb down one arm. Apparently I pinched a nerve. I was out of the game till I felt better. Rest is best.
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    So this morning I did my warm up, shoulders feeling a bit tight, but went into warm up round of dips (no weights) and my left shoulder feels HORRIBLE!! So that's me for this week. Knee also isnt properly recovered.

    I am going to take the rest of the week off and get my body back in order. :ohwell::grumble: :cry: :sad:
  • marise29
    Ag shame girls!!

    Sounds like everyone is having a rough week.. Charissa and Kerry, hope you guys feel better soon!!

    I was meaning to get my Tuesday workout in last night. To make up for the fact that on Tuesday I got distracted by the garden (mind you I was carrying around heavy bags of lawn dressing and squatting and crouching quite a bit) but once my head hit the couch.. I was gone!!

    Will be getting my *kitten* in gear again tonight :wink:

    I hope you girls have an awesome day!! And as a side note.. Maybe we should do before and after pics for the next challenge??
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Awww, C...that sucks!!! Feel better soon!

    Marise! Hi, stranger! Glad to see you!

    Upper body tonight, I hope. I kinda enjoyed rest day yesterday...but I missed having exercise cals to eat back.

    ETA ok. I did it, but left all my stats in the studio. Not a stellar workout. I kinda got pissed after hitting myself in the back of the head with a 15 pound dumbbell during my second set of triceps extensions, so that pretty much killed the mood. Now I'm just grumpy and bloated. Ate too many sunflower seeds so threw my sodium up and over my limit. Dammit. :grumble:

    Thank you. That is all.
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    Lol good on you for doing it Jules!
    Ouch for the bump on the head, I also get a bit agro and irritable some days.

    Hope today looks better for you!

    BTW Ive been practicing my squats with no weights, and I think I am finally getting the hang of it! Doing it proper below parallel now! Just trying to practice that at least every day,

    Monday, oh Monday, hope you are prepared to get your *kitten* kicked good and proper!
    I am craving a session where my body ACHES afterwards! And not from joint soreness but Muscles!!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    I skipped lower body on Friday because of the 5K earlier today. I did well! Came in under forty minute, albeit ny 13 of so seconds. Still a running PR, so I'll take that! Back at it Monday, and eating at maintenance.