Day 1 - T25

Hi - I just joined this morning so I will introduce myself. I'm 44, weigh 162 and hope to get down to 147 - I have found that I cannot maintain much below that. I did my first T25 DVD this morning - Cardio and it wasn't that bad. I certainly had to modify quite a bit of the time but I found the timer was a real motivator - I knew I could hang in. How did it go for all of you? Are you following the kick start diet plan? I am not but will try very hard to stick to my 1200 calories using MFP.:smile:


  • Ok..I'm in! I have been wanting to try this T25 thing for a few weeks. I just started it today w/ my hubby who is much more fit than I am. He does a lot on the treadmill and hand weights and maintains a healthy diet. It kicked him in the butt as well. I, on the other hand am 44 years old and pretty short. I can't believe how much weight I have gained just throughout the years. I run a pretty busy life w/ work and a mom of 3 but that's no excuse. I measured myself today and took some before shots..I was more sad when I logged into this my fitness pal and realized the last time I logged in was over 1 year ago and now I am heavier.
    Oh want to be fit!
  • skinny414
    skinny414 Posts: 3 Member
    Sounds like we're on the same page. I have two kids and work full time as well - I'm really hoping that T25 will help. The time passed fast this morning and I find once I get into a good routine I stick with it. I have to get up before the kids otherwise I never fit it into my day. At least we're both back to MFP - a step in the right direction. Good luck!
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Day 1 done this is my 2nd go round with t25
  • Fit_Lean_Priya
    Fit_Lean_Priya Posts: 164 Member
    my calves are still sore, day 1 was intense
  • Awesome! Its so hard to start so I think just starting is an accomplishment! I think it will helps because there seems to be a lot of over 40 people doing more is the excuse that our metabolism is slow and its harder to loose weight after 40(even though I know its true). Lets just keep motivated and at least finish. I used the modifier half and half..whew!