90 day meal plan

Hi everyone!

I started my 90 day meal plan today. I will try my best to stick to it but is it okay if i do the 30 day shred exercise and cardio boxing with it instead? Or should i just stick with cassey's exercise? Ive never done blogilates work outs before though. Also, i need fitness buddies on myfitness pal! :)


  • Hey there!

    My best advice to you is try to stick it whatever you can on this challenge. Its hard to follow a guide when your not interested in some of the workouts or food which can also lead you to giving up quicker! So my advice do what your comfortable with! Switch things up! Eat healthy smaller portions of the food you love rather than going for seconds! eat small healthy snacks throughout the day and drink lots of water!!! stretch before and after workouts as well! :)
  • I will keep that in mind! Thank you :)
  • I have similar issues...my main exercise is running and the elliptical but I am considering mixing it up with some Blogilates workouts. How do you split your workouts between cardio/toning? I am a bit of a cardio addict but know I should incorporate more toning, just not sure how often!

    I'm on day one of the 90days and going ok so far, it is just the evenings that usually kill my healthy eating!
  • The Blogilates exercises kick BUTT!!! I had a friend who was doing Insanity and came and did a couple videos of Blogilates with us and she said it was harder then the Insanity AND she felt it more the next day.

    I am doing the Total Body Workout tonight :) I just walked last night, because of how overweight I am and my heart issues, I have to take it slower :(