IIFYM vs MFP calorie goal

So based on the IIFYM website an "aggressive" fat loss calorie goal would fall around 1600 which is what I have been following, however the built in MFP system had previously told me to be eating closer to the 1300-1400 range. Has everyone else noticed this?

Personally I could not envision myself consuming less than 1500 calories, that's just cruel and unusual punishment LOL


  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    caloric reccomendation for MFP is just very standard. IIFYM goes into much higher detail.
  • what is your stats... that would seem low for any living person lol.
  • calliekitten9
    calliekitten9 Posts: 148 Member
    MFP had me at 1200 calories which seemed extremely restrictive.....been losing weight using TDEE.