question bout bacitracins post below

Awesome post that makes me come very close to understanding this WOE and I've been at it for 3 months now but having some wrinkles BUT I THINK his post may have ironed things out for me........
My problem is using sugar free flavoured syrups, quest bars or sugar free jello......I think I'm understanding that when I have these, my body thinks a sweet treat, cake or candy has entered my system and starts producing insulin....and when it's producing insulin, it is incapable of burning fat at the same time.....which is what's causing my stalls in weight loss ?? !! ?? AM I RIGHT ? I thought by having these things it would help me stay on track, after reading his AWESOME POST I think I finally understand !!! :flowerforyou:
CAN someone tell me if I've got this right now :flowerforyou: please


  • vetverloor
    vetverloor Posts: 1 Member
    I think you understand it correctly. Those things are not food, anyway. Cannot possibly be good for your health, as it is substances that are unknown to your body.
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    Be wary that a lot of "Sugar-free!" stuff contains a lot of starches, or sugar alcohols. :(
  • sb4480
    sb4480 Posts: 199 Member
    Yes, you're understanding that correctly.

    I don't classify sugar free jello with Atkins bars and the likes. yes, they both have artificial sweetener in them, but jello doesn't have the sugar alcohols like the bars do.

    It's all personal. Some people handle artificial sweetners better than others, some are super sensitive. If you're at a plateau then cutting those out and increasing your water is a good place to start.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Awesome post that makes me come very close to understanding this WOE and I've been at it for 3 months now but having some wrinkles BUT I THINK his post may have ironed things out for me........
    My problem is using sugar free flavoured syrups, quest bars or sugar free jello......I think I'm understanding that when I have these, my body thinks a sweet treat, cake or candy has entered my system and starts producing insulin....and when it's producing insulin, it is incapable of burning fat at the same time.....which is what's causing my stalls in weight loss ?? !! ?? AM I RIGHT ? I thought by having these things it would help me stay on track, after reading his AWESOME POST I think I finally understand !!! :flowerforyou:
    CAN someone tell me if I've got this right now :flowerforyou: please

    Interesting....scratches chin.
    I test my blood sugar so I'm functioning from an advantage compared to you in this aspect. Sugar free jello without maltodextrin (ie: the ready made stuff, not the powder that you prepare at home) does not produce an insulin response in me.

    However, Atkins indulge bars & a number of other 'low' carb alternatives including carbalose & carbquik produce a spike that while is NOT abnormal for someone without diabetes (as my goal numbers are set) they are higher than I would accept.

    After eating a the latter, my blood sugar spikes from a baseline of about 110 mg/dl to about 140 mg/dl within 1 hour of eating, then below 120 mg/dl at the 2 hour mark. These are numbers that any T2 Diabetic would be happy with, and I was too for about 2 days.

    What followed was the old cravings and preoccupation with food that had become a thing of the past since adopting keto about 5ish months ago. This I was not prepared for. Sugar alcohols I'm sure are the culprit, as well as the fact that 'processed' stuff (carbalose & carbquik) seems to jack me up, if even for a short time that are still within normal medical limits, just not within limits I'm comfortable with.

    To this end, I have decided that while the ready-made sugar free jello are good to help 'normalize' my life, a handful of dark ghiardelli chocolate chips will have to suffice when I feel the need for sweet. These 2 things do not produce a spike & I can happily go on my way with a casual BG of ~ 100 mg/dl, no more than 120 mg/dl 1 hour after eating, and double digit fasting BG's. :drinker:

    I hope that helps a bit, I've read that in the case of sugar alcohols, some people metabolize them and others don't. That if you are one of the unlucky folks who metabolizes them, you will know it because of the intestinal distress you will suffer if you ingest too much of it. I fall into that category. Bubble guts :indifferent: is what I got, sooooooo. Yeah, there's that :blushing:

    Not sure if it makes sense but if you don't get intestinal distress, then it's likely you are one of those folks that do not metabolize sugar alcohols & may not produce an insulin response.
  • sb4480
    sb4480 Posts: 199 Member
    So I know that diet sodas and the like aren't great in keto and could cause an adverse affect on weight loss, I find that a diet A&W root beer is a great treat if I need something at night. They sell it in 8oz mini cans and one is plenty to satisfy me when my boys are eating ice cream. If I want to make it extra special I'll add a tablespoon or two of frozen whipped cream and it's just like a root beer float.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    So I know that diet sodas and the like aren't great in keto and could cause an adverse affect on weight loss, I find that a diet A&W root beer is a great treat if I need something at night. They sell it in 8oz mini cans and one is plenty to satisfy me when my boys are eating ice cream. If I want to make it extra special I'll add a tablespoon or two of frozen whipped cream and it's just like a root beer float.

    :sick: really? sodas :embarassed:
    How come?
  • sb4480
    sb4480 Posts: 199 Member
    I prefaced my post by saying it doesn't work for everyone. It works for me on the occasion I need something.