Weight down too quick? (2nd month in)

I'm losing 4lbs (sometimes more) a week?

I started keto 2 months ago (2nd time, first time I decided to have a baby after it regulated my PCOS a bit) so I know I'm not dumping my glycogen stores (or I shouldn't still be dealing with the water weight, right?) .. I try to drink as much water as I can, including 16oz upon waking up, before meals, and before bed ontop of sipping at it throughout the day.. My electrolytes should be okay considering I am aware of my intake and the necessity of potassium, magnesium and sodium in the diet.. Calorie consumption at 1200 average but I've been trying to stick to 1400 because initially the weight loss jumped to 5lbs one week and caused me a bit of concern.

I've no cravings, some mood swings but that's kind of normal with PCOS.. no cramping or fatigue (other than when my son decides to wake me up at 4am) and I have admittedly become much more active but only as a result of the amazing boost of energy I always get when I am living keto. I tried easing into jogging but I have neuropathy in my feet and have been on a journey to an awesome running shoe to protect the feeling I do still have (If you're pre-diabetic I cannot stress the importance of sticking to keto/low carb.. I only found it 10 years into diabetes and it wasn't well managed before, now I'm 26 with nerve damage, woo YOLO /sarcasm) and so I've had to slow it down a bit and have gone from no activity 2 months ago to walking almost every day..not to mention my son is 20lbs and I have to lug him around, pick him up, keep him out of things that might choke/shock/harm him.. oof.. OTHER THAN THAT.. I'm not doing anything else special

Anyways.. what did I leave out? Anything? What is going on here? Why am I averaging so high?

Edit: Derpme. I forgot to mention I went from 233 to 219 (5'6 and female) in 4 weeks, so my math was off!


  • deleh
    deleh Posts: 2
    I don't know if anything is wrong, but I just started and I've been losing a pound a day! I figure I do have a lot of water coming off, but who knows.
  • ABaggett2010
    ABaggett2010 Posts: 33 Member
    Sounds about right. Mine slowed down around my 2nd month mark, waaahhhh haha