Push-up Challenge

Nutmeg76 Posts: 258 Member
I started a push-up challenge today. My goal is to be able to do 25 good push-ups by January.


  • coltrane23
    coltrane23 Posts: 30 Member
    I am going to have to start doing this soon. Push-ups are my nemesis, mainly because I don't do them often enough. I had a pretty significant shoulder injury, and I think a pectoral tear as well, but even before that I was terrible at them. That needs to change.
  • Nutmeg76
    Nutmeg76 Posts: 258 Member
    I have always been terrible at them too, and a shoulder injury isn't helping things either. I have to do them though since they are a condition of my employment. I have a fitness test in January that's why I am working on them now.
  • Nutmeg76
    Nutmeg76 Posts: 258 Member
    I was able to do 10 on my second test yesterday. Improving by three in one week is a big deal for me. Today's number was 3 every 45 minutes and tomorrow I have to do 5 every 20 minutes! That'll be a challenge at work...lol
  • coltrane23
    coltrane23 Posts: 30 Member
    Congratulations! Yeah, I can't keep up with that schedule, but I'm since I'm doing more HIIT I'm going to be doing push-ups more often. I did a simple AMRAP the other day: 1 lat pulldown, 2 push-ups, 3 goblet squats. I was able to complete 27 rounds in 15 minutes, which means 56 push-ups (since I got through to the squats before time ran out). I couldn't dream of doing 56 push-ups consecutively, of course, but it was encouraging that I never had to stop.