How are you handling the Holidays and eating??

starchile Posts: 248 Member
So, obviously the holidays are fast approaching and that can be a difficult time for folks. One, because some people get depressed during this time and a lot of us are emotional eaters...and then also just because most of the activities revolve around eating big meals.

What are your plans with dealing with this time?

"He who fails to plan, plans to fail"


  • vondelynn
    vondelynn Posts: 30 Member
    My plan (which works for me) is to not go into the "I can't have it" mode. If I do that, I get sneaky with food, eat stuff and try not to log it, etc. So I allow myself one or two pieces of things I wouldn't normally eat. I also get in the habit of tracking 200 calories (or more) on days when I know I might graze between stuff, in WW we called them BLTs (bites, licks, tastes) so it helps me stay on calorie point if I forget to log that one piece of my sisters awesome cookie bar or a little brownie or pumpkin pie bite I steal from my husband. I'm also making a point to get moving more methodically so I have more calories burning off too.
  • emilym820
    emilym820 Posts: 993 Member
    I am preparing by ramping up my exercise. I try to start the day with 45-60 minutes of intense cardio (usually the eliptical). Then I know I have an extra 650-750 calories in case I have a weak moment and any treats I might want to have.

    I know that sounds like an impossible thing to do for some of you who don't exercise currently. However, I've only been doing this since March and I've dropped just under 75 pounds and still weigh 277. For me, I find that it's being consistent and pushing myself just a little harder everyday. It's easy to get used to doing the same thing, but challenge yourself: up the speed, the incline, or the time just a little bit everyday. Our bodies are amazing thing capable of more than we think. If I can do it anyone can!
  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member
    Good ideas ladies! I guess the MOST important thing is just to find what works FOR US. This journey is a FOREVER one so obviously we have to learn to live with it no matter what/how.

    For me, I normally cook dinner at my house so I'm not doing that this year. I'm going to let my sister do the cooking and I will just go over for dinner and have one decadent meal (no sweets) and then come home.

    SINCE T-giving is my ABSOLUTE favorite meal of the year, I'm going to cook healthier version at my house but in much smaller portions (enough to last 3 days). I thought about skipping one of the carbs and then thought NAHHHHH!!! It's my ONE meal a year to enjoy...just enjoy it! LOL.

    Here's my menu:

    Smoked beercan turkey
    whole wheat sourdough/turkey sausage stuffing
    Kale with turkey bacon
    Low Fat/whole wheat mac n cheese
    Home made cranberry sauce (low sugar)
    potato salad ( made with real mayo but red potatoes instead of russett)

    I'm actually excited! I can't wait to try this mac n cheese recipe that I found.

    The other holidays aren't really a problem for me. And as long as I stay away from the sugar I should come out ok.