Healthy product, snack, recipe that you love??

starchile Posts: 248 Member
What's helped me lose weight is just cooking healthy meals at home instead of going out and getting food full of sugar, fat, preservatives etc. Now I cook all my meals and they are about 90% SUPER healthy and 100% SUPER delicious! The only problem is that sometimes I get into a rut and end up cooking the same things over and over. Just recently I've started following a few healthy cooks on Pinterest (KALYN'S KITCHEN IS AWESOME FOR ANYONE INTERESTED! She's on Pinterest, Facebook and has her own website)

Anyway, I thought it would be cool for us to share what our favorite recipes or products are.

**PLEASE POST WHAT TYPE OF RECIPE IT IS...Low Carb, Low Fat, Low GI, Paleo, etc.**

Here's one of my favorites:

Veggie Burger (Southbeach Phase 2 or 3)

2 slices of cracked wheat sourdough
Grilled veggies drizzled with a little EVOO
1TBS Goat Cheese
1TBS Pesto



  • emilym820
    emilym820 Posts: 992 Member

    Since you are my MFP friend and can read my diary, you will know that most times I fail to plan and end up eating really ridiculous things (as in birthday cake for breakfast not once but twice this week). However, I do know how to cook. ha ha!

    I make a yummy chicken salad with leftover chicken breast (can use canned). I add in a diced apple, a handful of chopped grapes, a handful of dried cherries and some mayo. You can use greek yogurt, but unless I have to be super low cal, I prefer the mayo. I like to eat it on romaine lettuce, like a lettuce wrap. Sometimes I sprinkle a few chopped praline pecans on top for crunch.

    For snacks, I try to eat fruit/veggies. However, if I do need a more indulgent treat, I like to have things like ice cream sandwiches that are portion controlled. I cannot be trusted with an ice cream scoop because I can smash 2 cups of ice cream into a 1/2 cup dish. You can also make "ice cream" by putting frozen bananas in a blender or food processor with a little Peanut Butter. You think it won't work, but just keep processing. After a while it becomes the consistency of soft serve ice cream. It's pretty delish.

    I made some pumpkin muffins this week from Pinterest that were good. It's a cake mix and a can of pumpkin. No oil, eggs, water....just the pumpkin. I used a chocolate cake mix and added a handful of semi-sweet chocolate chips. Bake at 350 for 25-30 minutes. It made 12 large muffins. They were so fudgy and delicious and were good the next morning warmed in the microwave for about 20 seconds. My hubby and the kids ate most of them, so you know they didn't taste "diet."

    You can make it with any flavor cake mix. I think I'm going to try a yellow cake mix and add in some pumpkin spice next time.
  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member
    I'm sooooooo jealous!!!! You can eat sugar! Even if it's "portion controlled" I just can't do it. Unfortunately, for me, any amount of processed sugar leads me to a downward spiral of sugary madness! LOL. I can never just have ONE of's seriously like heroin or something to me...I gotta have more. sigh. So, I have just learned and am working on accepting the fact that I can't really have sugary treats. there are sugar free substitutes but they only make me mad! LOL.

    Good idea about the lettuce wrap though! I'm gonna have to try that!
  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    I am a popcorn FREAK! I have it nearly every day
    I make it in the microwave in a brown paper bag----no oil at all!
    3 tablespoons of kernals. Brown paper bag (lunch sack) folded over at the top securely.
    Cook on high until the popping stops/slows way down

    I spritz mine with Pam and salt liberally with a flavored popcorn salt (white cheddar, ranch, cheesy jalepeno, etc)

    A LOT of volume and salty and crunchy! you can also spritz with water lightly---whatever makes the salt stick.

    Makes me happy and comes in right around 330 calories. ---that is for 2 bagfuls, 6 tbl of kernals----a HUGE ol bowl!
  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    wasabi and soy sauce almonds are my fav snack
  • EspressoLvr
    EspressoLvr Posts: 100 Member
    I'm with starchili, sugar is a slippery slope that seems beyond my control.

    I was at my friend's house and we got the munchies (ahem), and she pulled out this crunchy stuff that I'd never eaten before. I was living in Germany at the time, so I couldn't simply read the label to know what it was, it was just a smelly super crunchy bag of puffed mystery food.

    Turned out it was port rinds, and I didn't hate them! They have TONS of protein and very few calories, making them a good alternative to a chip/crisps addiction. They aren't amazing, so I'm never tempted to over-indulge, but they satisfy a crunchy craving!

    I told another dieter friend of mine who tried them, and her 5 year old loves them which prompted her to post, "I guess there's a little bit of redneck in all of us." I thought it was funny - 'cause we're both big city gals.