
After week one of logging your food, what changes did you make? Let us know!!!


  • I started measuring my food and realized my portions had been too big. So my portion sizes are realistic, healthier and easier for my body to digest! I started cutting up my food into tinier bites to visually make my food look like more, the little bit of food went further and I take my time eating making my meal mean something to me!
  • gmsparkle
    gmsparkle Posts: 2 Member
    My biggest change is planning my meals for the next day, and logging everything I eat, whether it is on my plan or not - It's easier to see what's really going on when it's in black and white :-)
  • Fantastic Gina!!!! You are absolutely right!!! We all know what to do but when we don't plan...we fall prey to grab anything around us and swear we will do better tomorrow! Planning is the key to success!!! Keep it up and thanks for sharing!!!
  • Julie_Soar
    Julie_Soar Posts: 14 Member
    I've gone back to measuring my food again. Down 10 lbs over the past 6 weeks. Amazing how that works!