Day 24 and still going

I've just completed day 24 and feeling so much better. I have now missed 1 day due to no time to complete workout (boy did I feel guilty) but I got straight back on the wagon and still going.

I have taken a picture from day 1 and day 22 and from the side a definite difference not such a difference from the front, but hey I have 38 days to go and as I said in a previous post this is going to be my first round of insanity not a quick fix.

I have come from 18months of no exercise and I am still struggling with parts of most of the DVDs. I will post a picture of a before and after at the end of day 60 and hopefully I will see some clear inch loss. I fully expect not to look anything like any of the before and after pictures they use to advertise this DVD but as long as I look better it has done its job for me.

Keep going you can all do it! I'm looking forward to cardio recovery tomorrow (its my favourite one) for obvious reasons.

Talk soon.
