Introduce Yourself & Share your Story

Let's meet!
What's your name?
When did your journey to better Health begin?
What Triggered it?
What have been the up's and down's along the way?
What are your wellness Goals for the future?

Please only share what you feel comfortable sharing.
.....And Go! :)


  • wpwarrior88
    wpwarrior88 Posts: 1,503 Member

    My name is Kim.

    My journey to better health really began 11 years ago when I finally quit my 25 year battle with bulimia. My road of recovery has been a fun one. I have tried to find the right balance with food for me. Currently I do try to eat only fruits, veggies and raw nuts on Mondays and Wednesdays. I do limit the amount of processed foods and refined sugars I eat. I work at drinking 9 to 12 glasses of water every day (not always successful.)

    I am on course to be in the best shape of my life by 12/31/13. I have been winning the battles that have stopped in the past. My current, most difficult struggle is stress eating due to pain. I have DDD L4/L5 with L6 showing signs of thinning. I am allergic to painkillers and cannot take ibuprofen. On days I can mentally prepare myself, I do better. But, I still am having a difficult time finding the right pacifiers when the pain overwhelms me.

    I currently workout 7 days a week. Minimum - 15 min of gentle yoga; on a good day I walk 3 miles, do some calisthenics and a modified version of T25 (tomorrow is my last day of Alpha!) I am determined to work out every day this winter season. So far in the last 3 weeks I have had 6 BAD days, however I have still worked out and I know I am better because of it. I have learned how to modify exercises to meet my needs and typically my pain drops while I am working out!

    My goals are lofty. Next year I want to build a salmon ladder and be able to use it! I want to understand how the barometric pressure dropping .20" can send me into a tailspin one day and only be a speed bump on another day! I want to be able to encourage and help others who suffer with chronic pain.

    This is only a small portion of who I am, but this is why I am part of this group!:flowerforyou: