Ck it out! New WLS Independent film!!

We had our monthly WLS group support meeting last night and so glad I went. There was another lady there that just finished her 6 month req and waiting for word back from her insurance. She was very emotional because she doesn't have support from home. The group really took her in. We gave her email addresses and phone #'s. I wish they had the meeting every 2 weeks. Very beneficial.

Then they announced last night about an Independent film that we will be viewing at our January meeting about several women from Austin, TX getting WLS and how they followed their journey. I just looked at the website..... First I didn't hear them mention it was about TX women and when watching the trailer MY DOCTOR was on it!! I don't know if he performed the surgeries on them all or any, but he just spoke for about 30 seconds. Very exciting! Can't wait to see it!!

I wanted to give you a heads up. The site has a spot where you can see if it will be showing in your area. FYI
