Help needed :-(

emmab0902 Posts: 2,338 Member
Serious question. What would cause you to suddenly lose your feel for the water? After a year of slow improvement I have very suddenly lost strength and feel like I am swimming without hands (best description I can come up with) I have a background in competitive swimming in the late 80s and have always enjoyed swimming so this is really stressing me out and upsetting me!!! Nothing has changed ie same food etc haven't been sick. Have lost only 1 or 2 kilos since July so surely not that. The last three swims have felt awful. I could cope with one not so good swim but now I'm starting to panic!!

Any help hugely welcomed.


  • MissySpring
    MissySpring Posts: 442 Member
    Sorry to hear, you've lost your swim mojo. I can't really offer any advice other than to stick it out. Best wishes.

    p.s. I was a competitive swimmer in the late 80's too. :)
  • sandyswims
    sandyswims Posts: 25 Member
    Try adding some strength training to your routine especially arms, chest and back exercises. I bet this will make you feel stronger in the water. I am swimming only one time a week these days and it's the weight lifting that's getting me through to the next swim workout each week.
  • LKuderna
    LKuderna Posts: 31 Member
    I just finished Sheila Taormina's book Swim Speed Secrets (ordered it from Amazon) and can tell I will be referring to it often. It was recommended to me by the Master's coach I'm taking lessons from, and it's just great. I also just started a strength training program for swimming (twice per week) with a personal trainer at the health club I belong to. I totally recommend working with a swim teacher or coach, especially if you're feeling "stuck". Swimming is such a rewarding and enjoyable sport, and it's a lifetime activity; I want to encourage you so much! Let me know how you're doing if you get a chance. :smile:
  • Try a swim or two with paddles to get that "feel for the water" back.
  • A couple more ideas:
    - slow down and count strokes (per length). Focus on reducing the stroke count. (I need to get back to this myself).
    - try some different strokes - back, breast, fly. My freestyle always seems more efficient after fly, for some reason.
    - try some sculling
    - try some arms-only, including on your back
    Also I guess you should count your arms in case they're really missing. :smile:
    Good luck!
  • zerryz
    zerryz Posts: 168 Member
    Have you actually lost speed or strength (did you time yourself?) or is it all in your head? 2 things: either there's sthg up with your health and therefore shld consult a doctor (blood test).. OR you're losing interest because it's not challenging enough for you in which case getting into a structured pgm (Master's) or changing things up a bit (ocean swim vs pool) might help lit up the swim fire again. Good luck!