Dumb keto question concerning bacon.

More of a question about how should I consider logging this scenario. So I just oven cooked a tray of delicious Wright brand bacon I do this on cookie sheets and drain off the fat so I can get the most crisp bacon possible. After I was done doing roughly about 10 slices of bacon this way I had I'd guess to be about a quarter cup or more of pure sweet wonderful nectar of the gods bacon fat. I normally would just pour some into a pan fry my eggs in it and be done. Then I started thinking man I have no idea if I should be logging the slices of bacon I am eating AND the say tablespoon or so of fat as well. Or am I double dipping on the fat counting based on the mfp entry I'm already using. So ketopians help me out here log both or just the one? The calories wouldn't be goal breaking and the extra fat couldn't hurt but it'd be nice to know.


  • ketocheeto
    After I fry up my bacon, I pour all the fat into a container that I keep in the fridge, pull it out by the teaspoon/tablespoon to use for cooking eggs and such, and then I definitely log that amount.

    Maybe that's too strict, but it's worked for me so far!
    Sorry this was a bit rambling, and hope this helps.
  • djthom2
    djthom2 Posts: 63 Member
    I've often wondered what to do about the bacon fat. I thought the fat was included in the fat count for the bacon. After I fry my bacon in the morning I fry my eggs in the bacon fat then pour the leftover geese in my dish to dip the eggs in. I was afraid if I threw it away I would be short on the fat grams calculated. Would love to know the answer
  • ketocheeto
    So I was looking through some old /r/keto posts about bacon, and this person's response made a lot of sense:

  • Hinch2Hench
    Doh! I thought so but oh well was hoping I was wrong. Thanks for that look up.