One high calorie day a week

Sheened Posts: 3 Member
Hi guys, I'm new here and have been keto-ing for a week, I have a question and would appreciate any thoughts on it.

I'm struggling to get above 1100 calories a day (i'm female 5ft 2in and 157lbs) i keep hearing stuff about leptin etc etc. does anyone do a high calorie day (with on plan foods) to reset leptin? See i do t know if its a myth or what or whether consistency is the key, would like to hear from anyone whos tried it? Thanks.


  • sixpacklady
    sixpacklady Posts: 582 Member
    How did you come up with 1100 cals? too low...

    recalculate using

    you should never feel hungry on keto diet...
  • Sheened
    Sheened Posts: 3 Member
    1100 calories wasn't intentional, thats all i could eat, to be clear i eat twice a day so about 450 cals for my lunch and the rest us on almond milk and dinner, i've been eating like that for years with the odd breakfast thrown in, its just easier to get full up on lchf. I wanted to know if spiking in one day is beneficial if calories are usually a bit on the low side?
  • sb4480
    sb4480 Posts: 199 Member
    I'm not going to comment on your daily calories, but a high day would certainly help level things out at the weekly level in knows one people who swear by calorie cycling. But day to day I'd focus on more fat. Fat bombs are a tasty way to meet you fat macros and get your calories up.