Week 11!

SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
I cant believe we are up to week 11 already! Just two more weeks and this program is done for!

Julie: GREAT work on the run! Thats is fantastic! Enjoy maintenance :wink:

Got it done this morning, my aches and pains in the shoulders have cleared up thank goodness, left knee is still a bit sore. Not go to the doctor sore but we will see how it feels tomorrow. If my knee isnt happy Im probably going to drop squats and lunges for this week, but still get everything else in!

So I did actually try and put my weights up on the Bench Press, Ive been doing them on 25kgs, and the next higher weights that I have is 35kgs.. lol. Got one and a half reps in and couldnt lift the bar back up! So yes lay there like a fool rolling the bar down my chest.

Bench press 25kgs x 6 x 3
Bent row 35kgs x 5 x 3
Shoulder press 20kgs x 5 x 3
Lying Tricep 12kgs x 6 x 3
barbell curls 20kgs x 4 x 3

Feeling quite good about everything else, heavier weight range something else!

Have a great week!


  • pinktoesjb
    pinktoesjb Posts: 302 Member
    Made it back to the gym this morning, took it very lightly though as feel pretty weak from being sick over the weekend. Involunary not eating has been something of a cut process though and I can actually see my mucsles more lol. Down almost 3 kilos but most of that is lost hydration so not expecting it to stay there once am back to normal.

    Did all the usual upper a moves today at slightly lower weight and didn't go full pelt on the cardio either. Hoping my legs and butt will start to stretch out and ache less for tomorrow. Feel good for getting back anyway, even if not on full capacity.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Thanks...I placed fourth in my age group, out of 9 of us, so didn't feel like that was too shabby for a first timed race, lol.

    Ok, tonight's workout:

    Bench 3x5 at 80 lbs (another PR)

    Rows 3x5 at 80 lbs

    OHP 3x5 at 60 lbs

    Curls 3x3 at 60 lbs

    Skull crushers 3x6 at 30 lbs

    Kickbacks 6x6 at 15 lbs

    Then a twelve minute mile run with an 8 minute brisk walk cool down.

    And now I am really tired!
  • pinktoesjb
    pinktoesjb Posts: 302 Member
    Well done Julie! I'm trying to get more cardio in after upper work outs, just never leave myself enough time.

    Lower B done this morning, back up to weights on almost everything now so increases all round next week. Feel glad to be back.
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    Great work to both of you!
    4th place is great! Incredible going :smile:

    Ah, Ive done Upper Body a the last two weeks, but all other workouts were not done.
    it felt pretty damn good to get lower body in today!

    Squats, still going slowly on the adding of weights seeing that the last two weeks were spent practicing with no weights. (and taking the weights off to get my form right was probably one of the best things I have done!

    Squats 8 x 3 x 20kgs
    SL Dead 5 x 3 x 33kgs
    Sumo Squats 8 x 3 x 20kgs
    Calf Raises 6 x 3 x 33kgs

    Planks 3 x 30 seconds
    Incline Crunches 8 x 3
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Way to go, both of you!

    I think I'm going to have to re-implement some ab work. I'm having weight issues. I've set myself up to eat at maintenance, just this past weekend, but have maintained a serious deficit, and damned if the scale didn't shoot up five or six pounds. I was thinking stress and then water from the extra running, which is a new thing in my workouts. But I can see where my abs are starting to look kind of squishy again, soooo...

    I can't wait to get in there and do lower A today. I think out of all four, it's my very favorite one. :)


    Hot diggity damn, y’all! I PR’d on squats, deads and glute bridges!

    Squats 3x4 @ 120 lbs

    Deadlift 2x4 @ 160 lbs, 1x5 @ 160 lbs

    Glute Bridge 3x5 @ 160 lbs

    Standing calf raise 6x5 @ 45 lbs

    Leg extension 3x5 @ 90 lbs (ow, ow, ow)

    Leg curl 3x4 @ 55 lbs (took ten pounds off. I could not MOVE 65 or 60…SMDH)

    Then polished it off with an incline bench crunch with a 25 lb plate - 3x5.

    I am going to have a big ol’ glass of white wine tonite!
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    Awesome work Julie!

    I think I have asked you this but now I cant remember, how do you hold the weights on your glute bridges? (And yes I am far to lazy to go back into the last threads to check lol)

    Great going on all the PRs!!!

    I also LOVE A days, and lower body a is also my fave!!

    Hope you had a lovely evening and you are all enjoying your rest day :smile:
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Hiya, Charissa!

    I put a yoga mat down on the floor to keep my tail off the hard floor. I get the bar across my hips so that it rests in that angle that appears when I draw my knees up and put my heels as close to my butt as I can. I keep the bar balanced by using my hands to keep it from moving, but don't put pressure on it.

    Here's a link from bodybuilding.com that has pix and a video to kind of illustrate what I mean:


    I think it's going to be an active rest day today. I would like to do some stairs here at work and try and run a mile this afternoon before it gets dark and cold. :bigsmile:

    ETA: Here is a picture of starting position:

  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    Aaaaah awesome!! Thanks for that!
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    I am proud of myself today.
    I had a rough nights sleep last night woke up and thought about skipping the am workout and you know when your mind is abuzz with all sorts of excuses and even wondering how to squeeze it in later in the day? Decided **** it Im going away next weekend, and there will be bikini's involved, so I might not be thin, but I sure as hell am going to be thinner next weekend than what I am now hehe.

    AND BOOM workout done, and done properly too! Arms are sore! :happy:

    Dips 6 x 3 x 20kgs
    Flies 6 x 3 x 6kgs each side
    Lateral 6 x 3 x 6kgs each side
    Kickbacks 6 x 3 x 6kgs each side
    Bicep curl 4 x 3 x 20kgs
  • pinktoesjb
    pinktoesjb Posts: 302 Member
    upper b done, much less of struggle on chins and dips today but the cable curls hurt. Weird. Anyway.

    7 mins eliptical warm up
    3x6 dips on machine with 50kg assist
    3x6 chins as above
    tricep pull downs 2x6 on 14kg and 1x6 on 12kg
    lat sides 3x6 with 5kg dumbells
    bicep cable curls as above
    quick row and bike then stretch out and showers!
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    Oh jeez. I totally FORGOT to get my work out in!!!
    How does that happen! Rough day at the office, friday afternoon, boss left the office, I work from home, so I cracked open a beer :ohwell:

    Will catch up tomorrow!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    No worries…Hell, I forgot even to log yesterday, which sucked, because I totally ran out of gas, LOL…

    What I did get on Upper B:

    Decline push-ups −3x6
    Dips - 4x5x45#
    Kickback - 6x6x15#
    OHP - 3x4x60#
    Biceps Curls - 2x4x60# and 1x3x60#

    Today’s Lower B? Bwahahahaha! PR's!

    Squat - 3x4x125#

    Deadlift - 3x4x165#

    Glute Bridge - 3x6x165#

    Seated calf raise - 3x4x120#

    Standing Leg Press - 3x4x95#

    Shrugs - 3x4x95#

    Skipped Good Mornings, because i am ridiculously worn out.

    Have a mile run tomorrow and then total rest day Sunday.