MFP reset my goals -- do I need a lower daily cal setting?

camtosh Posts: 898 Member
I lost a bit more last week, after plateauing a few months, and my total lost to date on MFP is now about 6 kg, or 13.2 lbs, yay. So MFP popped up a message to reset my goals at this stage. I said yes, and it reset them to Sedentary, 1200 cals per day, and the standard high carb macros. Since I eat low carb, I have gone back and reset the macros to a HFLC setting (10carb/25prot/65fat), and to Lightly active, which upped the daily cals to 1300 or so. But I wonder about my cals per day limit. How much lower should it be from my TDEE, which my fitbit measures at about 1900? I am 56, female, sit at a desk all day but walk 45 min to and from train stations in Tokyo daily. I do a 90 min full-on pilates class about twice a month. Before the reset my daily cals were set at 1500 or so.
Thanks for any thoughts, advice.


  • sb4480
    sb4480 Posts: 199 Member
    If you're trying to lose then I'd aim for TDEE, less 20%.
  • camtosh
    camtosh Posts: 898 Member
    Thanks, yes, that is what I am trying to do. I poked around on here and found that link to So I redid my macros yesterday. As I suspected, I can eat a few more cals each day (yay, hate being hungry) and still lose. The automatic MFP reset put me on too low a calorie intake for the day...