Drink your water

lisalisa27 Posts: 75 Member
How is everyone doing on their daily water consumption? Today I didn't get as much as I needed, but came close. I had about 64 oz of water, 8 oz decaf coffee and 8 oz of a carrot/berry juice.


  • Carrie_P81
    Carrie_P81 Posts: 151 Member
    I'm pretty good with water usually. I think I got about 7 cups in today. And 1/2 a diet Dr Pepper.
  • Glampinupdoll
    Glampinupdoll Posts: 234 Member
    I love my water!! I usually have 80oz per day :) I feel weird when I don't get enough.
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Hit and miss with my water. trying to hit 115-125 ounces per day. Last 2-3 days I made it and my energy level has been high.
  • lisalisa27
    lisalisa27 Posts: 75 Member
    I did better today! I'm usually good Mon-Friday, then the weekends I forget to drink!
  • morange66
    I am doing much better with drinking water. Before I started my journey I didn't drink water once a week much less daily and I am now up to 7-10 glasses a day. I don't know if it is the water, but since I upped my intake my skin seems better and my wrinkles not so noticeable. Yeah!
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Its the water:) Pluss your exersize :) You will also find that you lose more weight by driking more water..too a point..
  • lisalisa27
    lisalisa27 Posts: 75 Member
    Goal is 80 oz of water today! Haven't had anything yet because I just finished my workout. I don't like to drink too much before, makes me feel sick.