Week 1



  • ritornare
    ritornare Posts: 42 Member
    I was supposed to start today, but I only managed to do 1h of zumba fitness and then I went down with a massive headache, ugh.
    I'm more than ready to get back on track tomorrow (:
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I did all 4 weeks of workouts last week, M, Tu, Th, and F. This week, I did week 1 on Monday, week 2 on Tuesday, and week 3 on Thursday. I wanted to do week 4 today, but my body was worn out and told me "no," so I did a different workout that was all cardio. I will try to go for week 4 tomorrow. I also go to the gym on Monday and Wed. That is why it is so hard for me to complete the four dvd workouts every morning. My gym routine is pull-ups, pistol squats, push-ups, and Romanian dead lifts. I increased the squats and dead lifts this week, so the legs were pretty torched by today, especially since I did a 3 mile hill run Thursday. I am wondering if I should space out the gym workout to Monday and Thursday, and maybe run Tues or Wed instead. Oh and I do the RI30 workouts with 9lb weights. I switch to 3lb very rarely.
  • MicheleStitches
    MicheleStitches Posts: 306 Member
    Today I did the 30 Day Shred Level 3 followed by Ripped in 30 Level 1. I also shoveled snow. :happy:
  • olalola1981
    olalola1981 Posts: 125 Member
    Hey all

    Great to see people making all this progress! I started week 1 today. Really enjoyed it, especially the 3 lots of strength instead of the 2 in 30DS as I wasn't always able to complete the full sets in 30DS. Think it might take a couple of days to work on form before I really go for it though.

    Hope everyone's enjoying their weekend :)
  • olalola1981
    olalola1981 Posts: 125 Member
    Sorry to hear you are unwell olalola. I remember when I was doing the 30 Day Shred, I attempted 1 day with the cold, but felt that I didn't put in enough effort, so didn't do any more till I was better.

    Hope you feel better soon. :flowerforyou:

    PS, niceties over, YOU BETTER GET YOUR *kitten* IN GEAR TOMORROW!!!! Lol!!

    Hahaha!! Done! Thanks for the *kitten* kicking :drinker:
  • chocciechip
    chocciechip Posts: 207 Member
    did 30ds twice today, to make u for the fact I ate like 5 mini cupcakes whilst watching the Dr Who 50th Anniversary special...
    currently waiting for RI30 to download as I've lost my copy, so I'll start that tomorrow!

    looking forward to being ripped for christmas ladies? feel free to add me as friends.. I need the extra accountability to you all to keep at it!
  • olalola1981
    olalola1981 Posts: 125 Member
    did 30ds twice today, to make u for the fact I ate like 5 mini cupcakes whilst watching the Dr Who 50th Anniversary special...
    currently waiting for RI30 to download as I've lost my copy, so I'll start that tomorrow!

    looking forward to being ripped for christmas ladies? feel free to add me as friends.. I need the extra accountability to you all to keep at it!

    That Dr Who special was so good!!

    In response to your question on my status update yesterday, btw, I start my HRM at the beginning of my workout and stop it when I'm finished and just log the total calories burnt. Sometimes I add a couple of planks or squats before I finish my workout so the time won't always be specifically the time I've spent doing RI30 but I log it all as RI30 anyway if that makes sense!
  • ritornare
    ritornare Posts: 42 Member
    So... I started yesterday!
    I liked it so much better than 30DS day 1, but that's probably because I'm a little fitter now :drinker:
    I love the new composition of the strenght part and also the lenght of the cool down part. Now I (we!) just have to stick with it :bigsmile:
  • umekanzah
    umekanzah Posts: 94 Member
    I wasnt part of the 30 day shred group but i came across it yesterday and then found the link to this group. Ripped in 30 dvd has been laying on my counter for the past two weeks without my trying it. So i thought this group would be the perfect motivation for me to do it. And i put it in but i couldnt get past the first two circuits. I am horribly out of shape and instead of losing weight, i keep gaining more than i have lost. Its depressing but i would love some support and motivation. So even though i failed horribly yesterday, i will keep trying (hopefully). To be fair, i worked out kinda late in the day and if i didnt have to go out for dinner, i would have finished the whole workout with a lot of breaks but i didnt have the time.

    So i am hoping i can stick with it, as best as i can, knowing that other people out here are doing it too. Hope your workouts were much better than mine yesterday.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I wasnt part of the 30 day shred group but i came across it yesterday and then found the link to this group. Ripped in 30 dvd has been laying on my counter for the past two weeks without my trying it. So i thought this group would be the perfect motivation for me to do it. And i put it in but i couldnt get past the first two circuits. I am horribly out of shape and instead of losing weight, i keep gaining more than i have lost. Its depressing but i would love some support and motivation. So even though i failed horribly yesterday, i will keep trying (hopefully). To be fair, i worked out kinda late in the day and if i didnt have to go out for dinner, i would have finished the whole workout with a lot of breaks but i didnt have the time.

    So i am hoping i can stick with it, as best as i can, knowing that other people out here are doing it too. Hope your workouts were much better than mine yesterday.
    A few suggestions for making it through:
    1. Do the modifications given for the beginners
    2. Use light weights-3lb or lighter, or skip the weights until you can do the whole routine.
    3. Start the workout when you know you have adequate time to finish it.
  • TheMOC
    TheMOC Posts: 74 Member
    Was finally un-sore enough to start again yesterday. I have a feeling level one will be longer than a week! :blushing:
  • umekanzah
    umekanzah Posts: 94 Member
    A few suggestions for making it through:
    1. Do the modifications given for the beginners
    2. Use light weights-3lb or lighter, or skip the weights until you can do the whole routine.
    3. Start the workout when you know you have adequate time to finish it.

    These were some great no-nonsense type tips from you. THANK YOU sooo much! I will try again today, even though i am so sore after only doing half the workout.
  • olalola1981
    olalola1981 Posts: 125 Member
    A few suggestions for making it through:
    1. Do the modifications given for the beginners
    2. Use light weights-3lb or lighter, or skip the weights until you can do the whole routine.
    3. Start the workout when you know you have adequate time to finish it.

    These were some great no-nonsense type tips from you. THANK YOU sooo much! I will try again today, even though i am so sore after only doing half the workout.


    I agree with these - great suggestions.

    My suggestion also would be don't put too much pressure on yourself. If you're finding it hard to keep up then pause the dvd while you catch your breath. If that's still too much then try doing one rep of each circuit instead of two and rest during the second rep for a couple of days while you get used to the program. You'll get there if you stick with it!

    I found my muscles were so sore during the first 3 days of 30DS and a few months ago when I tried it the first time I just gave up. This time I continued to do the workout daily and by day 4 my muscles actually felt better and less sore after I had done the workout.

    Keep going, give yourself time and you'll get there :-)
  • olalola1981
    olalola1981 Posts: 125 Member
    So week 1 day 2 done. Felt much better than yesterday so that was good but my hamstrings are kind of tight - anyone else having that?

    Still working on form a little, for some reason I'm struggling with my form on the side lunges that I was absolutely fine with during Level 1 of 30DS!! The other one I struggle with is the hollow man one I think they call it - the one with shoulders and legs off the mat. I have to put my hands under my butt to keep my lower back on the floor. Anyone have any tips? Is it just that my core isn't strong enough?
  • MicheleStitches
    MicheleStitches Posts: 306 Member
    for some reason I'm struggling with my form on the side lunges that I was absolutely fine with during Level 1 of 30DS!! The other one I struggle with is the hollow man one I think they call it - the one with shoulders and legs off the mat. I have to put my hands under my butt to keep my lower back on the floor. Anyone have any tips? Is it just that my core isn't strong enough?

    We must be "fitness twins!" :bigsmile: I also struggle with form on side lunges...they just feel awkward to me. And I find that other move you described..."hollow man" pulls on my back a lot. I can't seem to keep my lower back on the floor doing that as well.

    Edited to add: I also have done 2 days worth of Level 1 so far.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I plan on doing level 1 again tomorrow. This will actually be the start of my 3rd week of RI30, though.

    If you have trouble with the "hollow man" try lifting just your top half, leaving your legs on the ground, and really focus on rounding your lower back. If you can keep it on the floor like that, then try to lift your legs. You may try bending your knees a little, as well. It is important to keep that roundness to your lower back, otherwise you will be stressing the lower back muscles.
  • hopperem
    hopperem Posts: 228 Member
    A bit later than most of you but just completed D1 L1 and really enjoyed it. Felt it in my shoulders but kept up otherwise. Not sure about hollow man - just hurts a lot!!!!
  • Hi everyone,

    I've done 3 days of Level 1 now. 2 of those days were with my fit husband and I'm glad to say he aches too! I remember with 30DS that Day Three was the worst for aching - I could hardly lift a cup to my lips. But from Day 4 I felt great - strong and fit. So anyone struggling with the first few days - KEEP GOING - you'll be very glad you did. Now I'm on Day Four of RI30 I feel great again.

    I like all the circuits on RI30 and love that they're all 30 secs long so you always know where you are. YOu can keep pushing if you know the end is coming soon!

    Good luck everyone
  • olalola1981
    olalola1981 Posts: 125 Member
    @MicheleStitches haha!! Glad to know I'm not the only one! :drinker: I'm thinking of going back to the scissor kick type ones from 30DS, I think Level 3 while I work on my core. Think some pilates is in order here...

    @DancingMoosie thanks for the advice :smile:

    @hopperem i'm only on day 3 today so you're only a day or 2 behind. Good job on getting started (that's the hardest part!!) and the important thing is that we still have time to complete before Christmas!!
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    As I mentioned on my intro post, I finished the RI30 about a week ago and will be doing it again beginning tomorrow morning. I just wanted to share that I went to a dinner party this past Saturday and saw a few frinds that I had not sen in a while. They were like "whoa! You look amazing!" Now that is incentive! Cant wait to start again! If wasn't doing yoga tonight I would start it this evening. Glad I joined this group.