Assignment #2

In the movie children's movie Madagascar there is a song that says, " I like to move it, move it". It's kinda catchy....well that is Assignment #2. Today is 11/20 and there are 6 days left until we are face to face with.....the.....THANKSGIVING Table!!!! :love:

So, this assignment is for the next 6 days- I challenge us all to;
1. Add an extra veggie to our lunch and dinner while cutting our carbs in 1/2,
2. Add an extra glass of water- I know this is not always easy for various reasons but, try even if you have to carry a plastic glass into the shower- LOL
3. Move it for an extra 15-20 minutes each of the 6 days- that way we can tune out the whispers of the rolls, the extra helping of stuffing or the bigger than life slice of cake or pie. The goal is either to make our scales stay silent (no weight gain) or merely snicker rather than explode with laughter at the weight we magically gained in just a few "little" servings. :sad:

Only 6 days- we CAN do IT!!!:heart:

So, Lady in the making....MOVE IT- Your body and the extra veggies onto your plate.


  • loslunascatherine
    loslunascatherine Posts: 14 Member
    As2ignment #2, working on it
  • Romey5
    Romey5 Posts: 157 Member
    I have been doing pretty good with #1. Just cutting out bread takes care of this one pretty good!

    Definitely doing better with #2! I have added a large cup of green tea to my daily routine, and extra water. Check!

    I am working on #3... did a JM 30DS video Friday, went shopping Sat (lots of walking right?), and hiking on Sunday. But I could be doing more...