Does keto work for everybody?

Has anyone come across any literature on where keto weight loss does not work? Is there a type of person (either ancestrally, or have some sort of medical condition) where keto does not work? I scoured the literature, but I couldn't find anything. The only thing I can find is advice for people to readjust their calorie intake or macronutrient proportions in their keto diet strategy when they are at a plateau. But totally unable to find what type of person resists keto weight loss.


  • FXOjafar
    FXOjafar Posts: 174 Member
    I'm unaware of anyone it doesn't work for as long as they do it properly. That is sticking to a macro, and tracking everything you eat and drink. If you are too lazy about it, you won't get too far with it.
  • darlingdani83
    There is a Stanford study which suggested that for some people it doesn't work as well. It's something that they actually touched on in a lecture which was given in 2008, and you can watch that video on YouTube. (Just search for low carb Stanford or something to that effect and it should come up.) But if you or someone you know is personally not doing well with it, there are a lot of other factors you can evaluate before deciding it's not for you. Typically it's said that this diet works best for people who are insulin resistant or have metabolic syndrome, which is a symptom of insulin resistance. I hope that helps you some!
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 987 Member
    Thank folks! I have been able to lose weight after tinkering with my diet, doing the daily food logs, etc - so knock on wood everything's fine so far! I do want to know about the keto diet limitations though, so I get a better understanding of the biochemistry.
  • sb4480
    sb4480 Posts: 199 Member
    I think this issue is where the difference between keto, paleo and primal come into the picture. Some people just do better on paleo/primal where they can have more complex carbs. I've heard this with women particularly. For whatever reason their body responds better (and they feel better overall) at 50+ grams vs sub 30 (especially around their period). I think we can all agree that while weight loss and nutrition is a science and 1+2 should = 3, it doesn't always happen that way for some people.

    You could also try upping your carbs with whole complex carbs like sweet potatoes for a bit and see how your body responds to the switch.