Thinking of doing C25K again

I first did it about 2 years ago, but haven't really run since then, and whilst I've been getting a lot fitter with workout DVDs and my cross trainer, I'm acutely aware of how my running fitness has diminished, and so I have once more downloaded the first weeks podcast to my phone, thinking about re-doing the programme again.

I hate exercising, I procrastinate forever and just put things off. This is why for me stuff in my living room works so well as it requires no more effort than turning on the telly, the wii, or dragging the cross trainer forward a few feet. But, if I can find the motivation, I know that doing the c25k again will be another good step towards my fitness / weightloss goals. And my dog will love me for it, (she loves running and it gives her some mummy time whilst the other 2 dogs lounge at home).

But I'm still not sure :laugh: I guess I'll update to let you know if I pull my finger out and do it!


  • teachmama79
    teachmama79 Posts: 64 Member
    I don't even want to begin to tell you how many times I have done the C25K program. The first time I did it was 6 years ago and I used podcasts. I'm currently in the 4th week (just did Week4 Day1 today) and am using an app instead so I can listen to pandora at the same time. I like it much more than the podcasts. There are several apps out there.

    I, too, do not like to exercise, but know it is important. If you'd like to friend me, we can support each other! :)
