December 2013 Move Your *kitten* Challenge



  • RedBess
    RedBess Posts: 111 Member
    12/24: 17.62km

  • KariD1114
    KariD1114 Posts: 1,214 Member
    12/21 = 3.14
    12/22 = 3.08

  • 319Sara
    319Sara Posts: 302 Member
    3.25 miles on the stationary bike today. That means I've reached my first time goal of 40 for the month. It seems I can do a little more than the 10 miles a week I anticipated, therefore, I'm upping my goal to 50. I'm hanging in there for the holidays, keeping to my schedule as best I can.

  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    12-1 Bike Trainer 28.5
    12-2 Bike Trainer 13.1
    12-3 Bike 12.7
    12-4 Bike 12.3 + walk 1.8
    12-6 Bike Trainer 20.6
    12-7 Bike Trainer 10.1 + walk 1.8 (+30ds)
    12-8 Bike Trainer 14.5 (+30ds)
    12-9 Bike Trainer 11 (+30ds)
    12-10 Bike Trainer 23
    12-16 Bike 17.1
    12-17 Bike 18.5
    12-18 Bike 8.9
    12-19 Bike 8.1
    12-22 Bike Trainer 20.1 (+30ds)
    12-23 Bike Trainer 13 (+30ds)
    12-24 Bike Trainer 18.3 (+30ds)

    Total 253.4.................playing catchup ~ good thing there are 31 days this month.
  • Luckysusan
    Luckysusan Posts: 947 Member
    3 mile run/walk

  • _canuckrunner_
    _canuckrunner_ Posts: 364 Member
    12/24 - 5K walk
    Total 25 K
  • anwylyd_un
    anwylyd_un Posts: 164 Member
    4.5 miles today, helped by the need to go get an urgent controlled drug script for a patient from a surgery a mile away - funnily enough uphill both ways!

  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    Will still push for the usual 1000 miles, but have some severe weather on its way over

    01-12: 91.06 miles
    02-12: 50.33 miles
    03-12: 50.18 miles
    04-12: 50.33 miles
    05-12: 51.44 miles
    06-12: 51.41 miles
    07-12: No ride - still too stiff after fall
    08-12: 21.01 miles
    09-12: 53.08 miles
    10-12: 45.34 miles
    11-12: 53.14 miles
    12-12: 51.23 miles
    13-12: 55.40 miles
    14-12: 40.02 miles
    15-12: 43.18 miles
    16-12: 51.08 miles
    17-12: 50.10 miles
    18-12: 14.62 miles man flu
    19-12: man flu
    20-12: man flu
    21-12: man flu
    22-12: man flu
    23-12: 38.38 miles
    24-12: 41.83 miles
    December miles: 903.15

    YTD miles: 15204
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Adding some walking miles.

  • JenRunTriHappyGirl
    JenRunTriHappyGirl Posts: 521 Member
    December goal - 75 miles!

    12/3 - ran 5 miles
    12/4 - ran 2 miles
    12/5 - ran 3.5 miles
    12/7 - rode 7 miles
    12/8 - ran 2 miles, walked 1.7
    12/10 - ran 3.5 miles
    12/11 - ran 2 miles
    12/14 - rode 9.3 miles
    12/15 - ran 5 miles
    12/19 - ran 2.1 miles
    12/21 - rode 9.3 miles
    12/22 - ran 6 miles
    12/24 - ran 4 miles - Merry Christmas!

    62.4 / 75 done!
  • RunConquerCelebrate


    Need to make sure I run these next days so that I can make my goal for the month
  • jennwhite34
    jennwhite34 Posts: 534 Member
    12/24 - 7.1 miles exercise bike


    Will not be getting any miles in tomorrow. Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas.
  • speedyf
    speedyf Posts: 1,571 Member
    Adding 5.7 miles for yesterday. We still have power... Hope it will last...

  • anaconda469
    anaconda469 Posts: 3,463 Member
    Christmas Eve bike ride, bunch of crazy people driving, finally gave up. Will try again tomorrow.

    12/22 - 15.0 miles biking
    12/23 - 2.0 miles walking
    12/24 - 8.5 miles biking

    Total: 160.5 miles

  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,157 Member
    Worked 12 hours last night and about to do the same tonight, so no miles to log. I don't count the distances when I'm running around the hospital unit, unless I have downtime and am doing laps specifically for this purpose. Was busy last night so that didn't happen. Just wanted to say Merry Christmas to everyone - I really enjoy being a part of this for the positive changes it has brought to my life in getting my *kitten* off the couch more often and to the camaraderie on this thread.

  • phytogurl
    phytogurl Posts: 671 Member
    Got out the door for a 9.21 mile bike ride, and although it wasn't the greatest ride, I am glad I went! Much to my surprise I did see two other runners and riders on the trail, as I don't usually see that many folks. I love to see other peeps exercising!
    Mtd, 169.96...I've got this!

    Merry Christmas @ss movers!
  • scarfe9991
    scarfe9991 Posts: 778 Member
    Ran 1 mile yesterday and 3 this morn for a Dec total of 40.5 miles..9.5 to go!
  • DianneP6772
    DianneP6772 Posts: 272 Member
    Played tennis this AM - fun fun fun ----but that doesn't count here.

    Went to Christmas Eve Lunch and and and - Enjoyed!

    So hubby and i thought - we'd better get on the bike!

    Cycled 19..8 miles today! Made December Goal.

    December total 338 miles
    December Goal 320 miles
    Over Goal - 18 miles

    Merry Christmas everyone - more eats tomorrow!
  • sprale
    sprale Posts: 117 Member
    12/24 3.56 miles

    Total: 62.61

  • CeeCeeMee
    CeeCeeMee Posts: 356 Member
    Another 3.2 miles for today. I might make my 50 mile goal after all!!

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