Attack Phase

jaxxie2013 Posts: 31 Member
Hi Everyone,

Just started the dukan diet - on day 2 of the Attack Phase. Looking for motivated Dukan Buddies.



  • Hey,

    Just started Dukan Diet today and on attack phase day 1 of 5. Looking at losing 40lbs by July.
  • sez_rayner
    sez_rayner Posts: 5 Member
    Hey! I've been on the diet since 16th August - coming up to near my original goal of loosing 3stone! 1/4 stone to go!!
    I follow it pretty strict, Im very proud of the fact I havnt cheated once ... oh apart from alcohol (Im a student and also the social secretary for my waterpolo team!) but I just stick to vodka and diet coke!
    This is the only diet Ive ever stuck to! and ive been trying to loose weight on and off for years!
    It's been hard at times - when you really want something carby (or especially after a night out!)! Galletts have been my saviour! absolutely love them (but only 1 a day!)

    I've never felt tired or Hungry on this diet!

    One thing I have found difficult is people's opinions - a lot of people havent been entirly supportive of this diet - cutting out fruit shocks them! But you have to ignore them and do what works for you. This diet works for me. Before this diet I was 100% against diets - now I don't think I would have got this far without the Dukan plan!

    Good luck! And do what works best for you!!
  • That is really amazing! I know that it is all mental and that a person has to be extremely determined to not stray away from staying on track. I am motivated and hearing the positive result of the DUKAN Diet, I am mentally locked in to stay on course. My whole plan is to stay on the the Dukan Diet and see how I do in a 6 week period. I joined a weightloss team at work for "Hold the Holiday Weight-Off Contest" and I really want our team to win this year.
  • sez_rayner
    sez_rayner Posts: 5 Member
    Christmas is going to be sooo hard!!
    I might be on stage 3 by then, but then again I might not!
    But we can have the turkey and the veg!
    Another tip is always have plenty of what you can eat in the house (or prepped for days out) the worst times are when you're feeling hungry but you have nothing you are allowed to eat - cooked chicken and crab sticks have helped me out massively in these situations!
    And once you make a habit of saying no to the other foods it comes so much more easily! But the first month was by far the hardest - and you're doing it over the Christmas period!!
    I think thats a great idea to see how it goes for 6weeks - it wont work for everybody, but if it does work for you it will be amazing! and such an amazing feeling in a couple of months when your clothes start to get bigger! ha!