Check-In Time...

Hello Incredible Ladies. Well Thanksgiving is over and now it's time to focus on Christmas cookies-Eggnog-Appetizers.I just wanted to check in with everyone and see how their Thanksgiving was. Hopefully whether it was grand or small, turkey or cereal, the sounds of laughter filled your ears, the sight of smiles make your eyes sparkle and your heart was made full with memories.

So......the question is this----When you got on the scale was it A) Silent (No weight gain or a loss), B) Very quiet (Weight gain of 1-2 lbs) or C) Singing ever so quietly (Weight gain 3-5) or D) Exploded (Weight gain of 5 or more). Just respond back A,B,C or D and what you did :smile:

If, A and B Congrats and keep up the good work
If, C Congrats and add an extra fruit, veggie or water from now 11/30/13 till Christmas
If, D Congrats and move your body for an extra hour a week plus increase your water. I applaud YOU because you are on your way and you were honest about where you are. On our journey remember this- YOU WILL NOT BEAT YOURSELF UP OVER THIS- IT IS A HICCUP NOT A POTHOLE. LEARN FROM IT AND KEEP IT MOVING. HICCUPS GO AWAY, POTHOLES CAN DESTROY YOUR CAR/PROGRESS!!! :heart:

From today 11/30 there are 28 days till Christmas- your gift to you will be a weight loss of ______ :heart:
Realistic numbers could be 4-6 lbs....if you do more Santa might take you on his sleigh to whip the elves in shape for next year- :laugh:

My check in was an A. I ate a lot extra veggies as well as eating berries (Blueberries, blackberries and raspberries). I drank an extra water an hour before lunch and one at bedtime. I didn't move everyday as much as I should have but, I am now. Oh, the other thing that saved me were Fiber One bars when I craved something sweet or salty.

My gift to me for Christmas will be a weight loss of 5 lbs.

Please, write back about what your gift will be as well as which sound your scale made and how you did it. Remember in the magazine they generally say I've lost 70 lbs but not really how they went from X to Y. The more support the better.


  • Romey5
    Romey5 Posts: 157 Member
    It was B, pretty quiet! Just about 1 lb up, but my weight fluctuates over about a 2 lb range normally, so I'll take it all in stride! My goal is still to lose about 3 lbs in the next few weeks before Christmas. I think this is doable, especially since I now work from home most of the time. The dreaded holiday free for all table at my office was where I gravitated every year to graze on the most unhealthy foods imaginable. Now with just 1 office day a week I can more easily avoid the evil buffet table. Yay!

    My gift to myself will be a mimosa on Christmas morning :drinker: I will do my best over the next few weeks to eat healthy, go for long walks, and not stress!
  • loslunascatherine
    loslunascatherine Posts: 14 Member
    I was bad bad bad, little exercise, cooked and munched for 2 days and left overs on day 3. I was a C and do regret it but I learned I won't be doing that for Christmas! Now I am struggling physically to do the exercises I was doing before Thanksgiving. I am kicking it up a notch each day now until I get to where I was. I am behind one day on the 2 challenges, Little Black Dress and Arms but I have decided not to try to hurt myself and add a makeup day on to the end.

    My gift to me because I still logged in all my ugly calories and minimum exercise is a new hairstyle tomorrow.

    My gift to me between now and Christmas is losing 5 lbs. I know I can do it because I want it!
  • clbooker76
    clbooker76 Posts: 28 Member
    It was A!! I actually lost a little. We went to a friends and there was lots of yummy food but I refused to go crazy. I did eat what I wanted but only a small amount. I wasn't tempted by all the pies... which is not usually the case. I had one spoonful of Cherries Jubilee and it was yummy! :smile:

    My husband had bariatric surgery on the Monday before Thanksgiving so he was on a liquid diet. It really helped me that while he was dieting for the two weeks before surgery I was dieting also. Obviously not as strict as him but good for me.

    Congrats to all on your progress!! :wink:
  • TriciannT
    TriciannT Posts: 58 Member