December chat and general stuff!

lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
Here goes..


  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,353 Member
    Is this thread for chats and this one for workouts only? Either way: HI!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    that was the idea!
    some people found the chat thread was getting too big to read through, and others didn't want to post their workout if it wasn't 5x5 exactly.. so hopefully this is the best compromise!
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    And I can say Hi in here even though I have not been to the gym for almost a week! Busy with RL sorting out OH's mum's estate and also OH has not been well, and then the dogs need their walks and every day it gets a bit less darker for their off lead time, soon they won't get any through the week at all!
  • vendygirl
    vendygirl Posts: 718 Member
    I am wanting to lose weight but don't want to cut calories because well I get down right miserable when I drop below 1700 cals. How long did it take you folks to drop weight (or inches) when you started lifting? Sadly I haven't taken measurements (because hubby took my tape measure somewhere and now I can't find it) but I know my thighs are smaller but my "love handles" are clearly not getting smaller (my pants are still snug).

    I haven't stepped on a scale in about 2 weeks because that isn't the number I am trying to change. I am trying to change the pants size and the scale doesn't dictate that, well much anyways.

    So how long did it take folks to really start noticing a difference when they started lifting? (I have the dread 'flat tire' I am trying to diminish)

    At this point if I could get into my 14s w/o muffin top I'd be content. Dropping to 12 would be a long term goal.

    I have been doing 5x5 for about a month now.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I am wanting to lose weight but don't want to cut calories because well I get down right miserable when I drop below 1700 cals. How long did it take you folks to drop weight (or inches) when you started lifting? Sadly I haven't taken measurements (because hubby took my tape measure somewhere and now I can't find it) but I know my thighs are smaller but my "love handles" are clearly not getting smaller (my pants are still snug).

    I haven't stepped on a scale in about 2 weeks because that isn't the number I am trying to change. I am trying to change the pants size and the scale doesn't dictate that, well much anyways.

    So how long did it take folks to really start noticing a difference when they started lifting? (I have the dread 'flat tire' I am trying to diminish)

    At this point if I could get into my 14s w/o muffin top I'd be content. Dropping to 12 would be a long term goal.

    I have been doing 5x5 for about a month now.

    I personally saw results after a month of semi consistent training.
  • wendypow
    wendypow Posts: 81 Member
    About a month or so after I started lifting HEAVY, and after 2 months I saw a major difference. I swear the fat just melted off.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member

    I hear you on the food my maintenance is 2000 and I try to eat 1600...I just really fill up on protien which seems to help a lot.

    As for the weight/inches in 10 weeks of SL I lost 3.5 inches most on my waist and some on my hips as for the scale as of Mid november is was 5.25lbs..mind you I think I have lost another 1.5-2.5 lbs in the last couple weeks and trust me I haven't been minding my calories as well....:tongue:

    If I am at 162 (here is hoping) I am going to eat at maintenance from Mid December till the new year...I refuse to not have "fun" with family and eat the foods.

    The difference for me is in my shape...

    Not this weekend but last weekend I was told shoulders are "too" big(hahaha loved it) and I have a "flat" butt...which was funny I just have a skinny butt with hips measuring 38inches...hers were 36...I have a round butt from squats.

    I am actually the smallest I've been ever (all due to the weight lifting) according to my dad and I have to believe him.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    well for me the scale has gone the wrong way recently (holiday, over eating, muscle I hope, creatine water retention) but I put on a dress this morning and it looked great, it hangs nicely, it's just that trousers are a bit snug round the waist. So I'm trying to be careful for a couple of weeks (yeah, ice cream last night!) and get a bit more cardio in, but overall I LOOK so much better - especially the face! must do some more 'progress' pics..
  • vendygirl
    vendygirl Posts: 718 Member
    @lwoodruff - I think pants are evil these days or at least the way they are cut. I have always been the person that is between sizes. The larger size is always too big in the waist and thighs and the smaller size are too tight in the waist. It is so annoying. I should just start making my own clothes. Granted it's been so long since I have made a pair of pants. Skirts are much easier to sew.

    @Sexystuff - I have had a flat but for YEARS! I am hoping the lifting and yoga will give me a little bit of shape. My friends have always made fun of my flat butt. At this point it is a joke. And how can shoulders be too big? Crazy people.

    Thanks everyone. I think I just need to ditch these crappy work pants and get a few new pairs. Disregard what the size is and wait for SL to melt away the inches. :D I put on a shirt today and the way it fell felt different than last time I wore it so I know something is changing.

    And cheers to not "restricting" ones self during the holidays. The key is to eat in moderation and if you indulge more than you should just keep going to the gym. That is the most important thing, keep going to the gym (or your home workout room). Don't break your workout routine in this season.
  • Care76
    Care76 Posts: 556 Member
    Hi! So I haven't been going up in weights (except bench because I felt I was good on that) because I am trying to get form correct. Squats are really hard for me to get right. At the very end I seem to pitch forward. I have been listening to the advice given in the form check thread, and I do think I'm a bit better, but not even close to perfect yet.

    So how long did you learn form before going up in weight? Has anybody done weeks of light weight (30-40 lbs) before adding the 5 pounds?

    Also, my husband (keep in mind he is not a lifter nor does he have experience, but he tries to help me by watching the videos) tells me it is probably because my core is so weak. That once I build it back up I should be able to hold myself more steady. I was on bed rest for most of my pregnancy and my core is very weak. I have been doing planks, should I be doing more core work? Or will the lifting eventually help?
  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    Hey, ladies! I've been around, but haven't been posting. I've been super busy this past week, but I've been going to the gym.

    I started seeing results within 2 weeks of starting up at the gym and starting SL. Most of my visible results are in my waist area. I took some comparison pics a couple of weeks ago and I was going to post them, but I haven't gotten up the nerve yet. Maybe I'll just wait until the next time I take them. I don't have my measurements with me at work, but I know I lost a couple of inches in my waist. I definitely feel the change in my bicep muscles. I confess, I love to flex them and look at them whenever I get a chance. :embarassed:

    As far as weight loss, it hasn't been much. Just about 1.5 lbs or so. But, I knew that coming in, and I promised myself I wouldn't rely on the scale. I know if I wasn't seeing inches lost, I'd definitely be disappointed in the stupid scale! My pants are a bit looser, though some days they feel a little tighter in the thighs. I bought a dress for a wedding I attended Saturday evening and it was a size 10, which I haven't been able to wear in quite awhile. It was a straight "shift" dress, so that was even better! I felt good wearing it, especially since I wasn't sucking in my stomach all night! :happy:
    So how long did you learn form before going up in weight? Has anybody done weeks of light weight (30-40 lbs) before adding the 5 pounds?

    I really concentrated on my squat form, when I first started at the end of October. I stayed at just the bar for about 5 workouts and then started adding 5lbs per workout. Last Friday I was up to 80lbs, but I felt like my form was off, so at yesterday's workout, I dropped back to 70lbs and concentrated on form again. I was feeling a little sluggish, but was happy at 70 lbs. One thing I've decided is, this is MY workout program. Yes, I'm following the SL 5x5, but I'm going to do what works for me, at least regarding the weights. I'm not going to drastically change the program, but I'm also not trying to be some big, buff gym rat and I have to find the balance between what works for my body, while continuing to get stronger.
  • TeamAwesomeDanger
    I'm only a month into it so I'm still feeling super high on my new routine. But we had a house guest this past week, and he came with me to the gym on my lifting day, and proceeded to tell me how I was going about my workout all wrong- that my heavy lifting was going to make me bulky. I just sighed, shook my head and kept going. It WAS helpful to have someone there to give me feedback on my form though.

    It feels so good to have a plan and be making progress, and his negativity/misinformation just made me feel more determined! Woo!
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    So how long did you learn form before going up in weight? Has anybody done weeks of light weight (30-40 lbs) before adding the 5 pounds?

    I was on bed rest for most of my pregnancy and my core is very weak. I have been doing planks, should I be doing more core work? Or will the lifting eventually help?

    I went up in weight pretty quickly on the squat, but I deloaded a few times when I didn't like my form. It was so much easier to get deep when the weight was lighter, like it is now.

    The lifting alone will help with your core, but you can add in some extra. I do. Check out jstout's crazy core lady post for some great ideas. :smile:

    @cruisin: Good for you with the size 10 dress and not having to suck it in! Nothing worse than worrying about your tummy all night when you're trying to have fun.

    @TeamAwesome: Good for you not letting that guy discourage you. I suppose he was all about teeny dumbbells and tons of reps? Haha

    I graduated from Physical Therapy today. Hope I don't need it again, though I know I'm not 100%. Still, it feels like I'm over the hump. So, good news :bigsmile:
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    BUMP because the workout thread is getting cluttered again. :flowerforyou: :wink: :laugh:
  • Care76
    Care76 Posts: 556 Member
    Thanks for all the help! I am still working on my form for squats and rows before going up. I am getting very discouraged by my squat form. I am only at 32.2 pounds so it's not too heavy.
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    hey US ladies I'm jealous of your availability of sexy lifting belts! It seems the only colour they come in the UK is black so Titan Longhorn on order from the US :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    90 pounds OHP!

    It is really hard and my arms are shaking, but I did almost all of them. Failed at rep 3 on set 5.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    wow! well done!

    and on lifting belts I've got my eye on best belts when I can persuade the huz that I need to spend £80+ shipping on one!!
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    I'm ordering mine from Pullum who are UK agents for Titan belts but I want a turquoise one so have to wait for it to come from the US, I have a comp end of Jan so hopefully it will turn up in time to test it out first :)
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    I have an inzer forever lever belt in white (which is more like a 10% cool gray.) I recommend the lever as it's MUCH easier to get on by yourself, and also much easier to loosen when you feel all claustrophobic-y. That being said I do quite like best belts. They are very helpful and awesome. If I ever decide to blow money on a 3" DL belt I'll go through them. Also I've always heard good things about titan.