December chat and general stuff!



  • Care76
    Care76 Posts: 556 Member
    Steph, those cookies and the rest of the food sounds delish! We had bacon wrapped shrimp when we decorated our tree. Yummy.

    For Christmas I won't be bringing my scale. I will try to estimate everything, but some things it will just be a guess. I'm not too worried. I plan on going over and I don't really care. I won't go over enough to gain any fat, but I will probably put on a lot of water.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    So what are you plans for over Christmas (maintenance? keeping it in check? not caring?)

    Not caring... I give up and will just stay fat until spring LOL :laugh:
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member

    Bacon wrapped scallops, shrimp, coconut shrimp, shrimp loli's, oyster rockafeller, Jalapeno poppers (cream cheese filled of course), stayed away from the KFC and didn't have any irish cream...(that's cause the coffee was all gone when I went to get it.)

    So what are you plans for over Christmas (maintenance? keeping it in check? not caring?)

    You had me at Bacon Wrapped :)
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    I went a bit over board again (I love to cook)...shortbread cookies, carmel chocolate blossoms, skor bars, snickers bars, pumpkin chocolate chip, double fudge chocolate cookies, molasses cookies and next weekend Christmas button cookies and cookie press cookies all made with butter of course...and of course the family get together with Mexican food and crab dip (I will make with light cream cheese of course), to my grammies the following weekend...more food then Christma with seafood bisque, turkey, homemade bread, ham, pies, corn bread.....not to mention the drinking...uh oh.

    I have decided that vacation coming in 8 working days that if I can stay in maintenance over Christmas and New Years I win.

    Today was Tree decorating day so my sister and her family came over and out came the apps...

    Bacon wrapped scallops, shrimp, coconut shrimp, shrimp loli's, oyster rockafeller, Jalapeno poppers (cream cheese filled of course), stayed away from the KFC and didn't have any irish cream...(that's cause the coffee was all gone when I went to get it.)

    So what are you plans for over Christmas (maintenance? keeping it in check? not caring?)

    Um, plans for Christmas? I am coming to stay with you! ;)
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Kira - I would make the trip to come cheer you on!

    I know I haven't been around here lately. Hopefully everyone has had a good past few months. I've been on travel more than I've been at home (or at least it feels like that), but just one more over night trip this week and then nothing through the holidays. I'm not quite sure if I will go back into SL when I am able to get back into the gym consistently or not. I have a few more weeks before I think that will happen so we will see.

    So my plans for the next few weeks is to eat a little better than I have been and hit the gym when I can. I may have to have a medical procedure done on the 23rd that will keep me off my feet for a week or two so my holiday will be full of lazy, which is all sorts of awesome to me. I scheduled the appt that day just so my hubby wouldn't be able to give me grief about not doing anything while I'm off.
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    hey guys bumping this as it was getting lost :bigsmile:

    my temporary belt turned up whilst I'm waiting for my Titan custom belt to turn up from the US, looking at maybe Feb time :sad:

    Thursday is my max squat day so looking forward to trying this with a belt for the first time

    I've also got a break from games until Jan so time for some super conditioning also diet checking if I want to drop to a lower weight class by end of Jan so things need to get serious between now and then (except for Christmas and boxing day lol)
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Ooh exciting to get post even if you have to wait so long for your proper one.

    I love getting stuff that is not bills in my letterbox :D

    I have been slacking recently. Life took over - the OH has been having some tests for a throat problem including some biopsies of his throat under a general last week. And between that and sorting out his mother's estate and getting the house in order I have been somewhat busy so not been to the gym much and not really been logging until Friday as to top it all off I have had a stinking cold which hit my chest and sat there like some sort of lead weight, I couldn't even get up the stairs without being breathless!

    But I was back at the gym yesterday, feeling it a bit today and generally back at it. Just need to make all the plans (and shopping) for xmas day now. Not even decided what to cook yet!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    ooh that sounds grim, hope he's ok..

    I've gone to pot over the last few days, not sure why.. winter blues? maybe time to change up the exercise schedule? I have been doing SL or some version of it since March, after all!

    and I still haven't found anyone using a belt I could ask to try. *sigh* I just wanna know if I'd prefer a normal or a lever belt. I think I'd settle for buying black though if it is quicker! definitely time to use one on my squats I think..
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Meh.. sigh... I am in a funk... the winter is such a hard time for me. :sad:
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    I just ordered some deadlift socks! and yes I'm ridiculously excited about it! there is so little choice in the UK...

    how cute are these?!

  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    The socks are great!

    As for being in a funk, I think it is partly time of year - certainly I struggle to motivate myself to do much when it is so cold and dark all the time. Maybe evaluating what your goals are and looking for some more/other exercises you could do to get to those goals would help.

    And also, new work out clothes always make me feel better about working out. In fact new stuff just makes me feel better full stop lol
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Love the socks Lydia!

    I am with everyone on the lack of motivation during the winter. I haven't been on a normal schedule for a bit so I'm not finding it easy to get back into the groove of the gym. I am, however, going to start taking boxing lessons in January as a new fitness approach. I will still put in some lifting days, but I wanted to do boxing this time last year, but couldn't manage the class time. Now I can so I will happily learn to punch and take a punch with the rest of the class.
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    Roxy hope all is OK with the OH its always tricky to stay on track when life keeps getting in the way :(

    Lydia love those socks :happy: I haven't been able to try a belt either, the one I have on order is a lever belt but my temporary one is a buckle belt, I opted for the lever over the buckle just cos its easier to get on and off on your own

    jstout I love boxing training its great for conditioning and something new to look forward to in the new year :drinker:
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member

  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member


    Thanks for the morning laugh! :drinker:
  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member

    Omg, I want to put this in my gym bag
  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    Too funny!!!
  • Care76
    Care76 Posts: 556 Member
    ^^ Hahaha, funny!

    @ Iwoodrof, cute socks! Can somebody please explain to me the importance of socks for deadlifting? I don't really get it. Is it because pants can get in the way or something?

    I lifted tonight but missed over a week. A bunch of things happened, we had company, then it has been way too cold to be in the garage, our water out there froze and our furnace froze up twice this week! Also, I hurt my back a bit when getting ready for a early Christmas dinner with my husband's family because his brother and our sister in law are going away. It felt better and it is now only -4 as opposed to the -25 or -29 it has been, so I did my reps tonight. Then my back hurt again. I think it was the deadlifts. It feels like a pinched nerve (sciatica area). I have had worse but I don't want it to get worse.

    I have been working on my squat form for a while. One thing I noticed when watching the 5x5 squat vid is that he kind of has his shoulders forward a bit, but yet his back is straight. I tried getting to that position tonight and I wasn't going forward so much. The bar was fairly straight, at least compared to what is was before. I really need a rack though. I can't add weights as my hubby can't lift anything for a while. He was in a car accident and thought he was OK, but now he can barely move his neck. He was told no lifting. So he can't help me anymore. But that is the least of our problems in regards to his neck. :( He's going for more tests because there are two spots on the xray that look like there could be fractures in his neck.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    eep poor hubby! hope all is ok and he is fixed quickly..

    the forward lean will happen when the weight gets heavier - you physically can't stand upright, you have to keep the weight over the centre of your foot..

    and deadlift socks - you need to drag the bar up your shins. material can get bunched up, and I tend to workout in shorts anyway, so the socks are supposed to give a smoother line while not getting your shins too bruised and bloody! I haven't got them yet though!
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    @Care hope your OH is all OK and the test comes back fine

    take the time to rest your back and work on your depth and ankle mobility whilst you are away from the weights.

    I always deadlift in socks and shorts as trousers do get in the way. With the deadlift you are basically pulling the bar through your legs so expect lots of bruises. :bigsmile: