December Hatters: Determined, Dauntless, & Deserving!



  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Reading the post today and missing my wonderful and supportive ladies !!!! Just wanted to say hi and check on everyone. Love all the great words of wisdom and very proud of all the accomplishments.

    Snooozie you will so rock that dress !!!

    I am wearing a belt for the first time in my life !!! and I got me the cutest funky short hair cut that I am loving. I find I have become a bling queen though!!!! jewelery fits not matter what size so while I am holding off buying clothes I may need a 12 step program for this bling addiction :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    I am wearing a belt for the first time in my life !!! and I got me the cutest funky short hair cut that I am loving. I find I have become a bling queen though!!!! jewelery fits not matter what size so while I am holding off buying clothes I may need a 12 step program for this bling addiction -

    ^^^^^ Tammy - I so know the feeling - and don't get me started on purses, necklaces or earrings.... my wrist has never gone up or down in size either....

    Consignment is your friend and my enemy... I now find that I'm trading down in sizes and getting too small for my britches... quick - pass the belt....(or ropes)... the 14s are a little too big and will probably start looking for size 12 jeans....losing inches but not poundage...and a lb is a lb... muscle or fat - but the muscle makes you look leaner...hoping that makes sense of some sort -

    Using wonder woman as my inspiration - don't think she's having too many dunkin donut treats... giggle smirk and smile...

    Latest health update: have been doing well on the keppra - but the absent minded professor shows up once in a while - making sure that I'm using the correct cleaning products - i.e. soap vs shampoo - don't want to get them mixed up.... and the other day made a left onto a 4 lane hwy - but into oncoming traffic - blaming it on being out too late - ugh... or woman over 50 issues... don't want to think the worse...

    Have a great weekend everyone... Carol
    And for my southern gals - stay safe... we've got lots of rain in Jersey....
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
  • PatriceMG
    PatriceMG Posts: 232 Member
    Snoozie, how'd the party go? I'm sure you rocked your little black dress! I couldn't imagine wearing a LBD with as cold as it's been here. I can just see myself slipping & sliding on the ice in my heels and landing on my tush with the dress around my ears! lol! Hope all is well in Hatterland!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Yes, Snoozie, how did the party go? Any pics of you in you rockin' that party dress?

    Carol- be careful with those meds and driving and such. Your driving incident sounds very scary!

    How is everyone else doing?

    Personally I am struggling a bit just to maintain during all these festivities and to get my exercise in. But here's to determination- I will do this because I deserve it!!!
  • PatriceMG
    PatriceMG Posts: 232 Member
    More on the 'No, thank you' I got this email from a SparkPeople blog post today... It can be relentless, but we can persevere!

    No, Thank You

    Took my mom out to lunch today and she wanted something sweet. "Don't you want dessert?" she asked.

    "No, thank you." I said.

    "I want ice cream. Do they have ice cream?"

    I handed her the menu and pointed out the cookie with ice cream and the chocolate cake with ice cream. When the waitress came back, Mom asked me again if I wanted dessert.

    "No, thank you. I'm fine."

    "Have some ice cream," she said.

    "No, thanks. I'm full. But I will have a cup of coffee while you have dessert."

    That's what we did. When she got the dessert and asked again if I wanted some, I again said no, thanks.

    She enjoyed her dessert. I enjoyed sipping my coffee and realizing I had no desire to even sample it.

    I thought about Thanksgiving next week and the desserts that would be there. I can have some if I want. I can just take a taste if I want. I'll play it by ear. One thing I know, I'll be making pumpkin pie for my boys and for a dear friend, and at the same time making a version for me that doesn't have a crust and has less sugar. I always make my pies using evaporated skim milk and egg substitute and no one has ever noticed. The pumpkin custard part is what I like so forgoing the crust is not deprivation. And knowing I have my own version at home will help me not overdo on the desserts at Thanksgiving Dinner.
  • 65by60
    65by60 Posts: 23
    Hello ladies, I am back. I was off the treadmill for 5-6 days due to a mild cold that zapped my energy followed by company and some early morning family obligations. If I don't get walking first thing after my morning tea, it simply won't get done. The whole regiment - getting into work-out gear, stretching, warming up, getting in a vigorous walk, cooling down, cleaning up, etc - takes a good hour. I am fortunate to be retired and with picking up a second hand treadmill, I don't even have to leave home. I really don't know how all you working ladies do it all. I could never have done this when I was working. A short couple of years ago, I was up at 6:00 am, out the door at 7:00 am and not back home until after 5:00 pm. Towards the end of my career, I found it all very exhausting and I just didn't have anything left in the tank by the time I got home. I gained 1.5 lbs last week. Not exercising those days didn't help for sure. Then there was the tourtière and the bottle of red wine! Guilty as charged lol. I am still happy with where I am at and doing my best with all of the challenges this month. Cheers, Diane
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Good morning Hatters!

    and TGIF for those to whom it applies!! :bigsmile:

    It's been a busy but good week; got a lot accomplished including not only finishing my Christmas shopping, but I now have everything wrapped and ready to transport up to my sisters on the weekend - I'm working over Christmas so will take everything up there ahead of time although they're calling for a big storm here overnight ... its been freaken FREEZING here this week last night it was -19C; but watching the storms that have been hitting the US recently, we've been lucky so far with very little snow - that could change tonight tho with anticipated 15-18cm supposed to land! And it's not even officially winter yet... wah! :sad:

    The round of socializing this past week has played havoc with my maintenance!!! I gained a couple of pounds in the last 10 days, but have been determined on the non party days to keep at healthy routines... lots of raw veggies being consumed but am having a hard time wit hthe water, especially with it being soo cold!! I've lost some of the added weight again, but am still 2 pounds over where I hit my goal weight and altho I WAS ok with 2lbs either wayI want to get back to the actual GW again for my MENTAL health.... and I have set a goal to be one pound under my GW by December 31st - that bump up of 5lbs was an eye opener and in retrospect I'm glad it happened NOW so I could rein it in before the end of the year!! I still log occasionally when I feel I need it, but the 18 months of learning and logging have truly helped with being able to eyeball proper portion sizes and estimated cals now.... but holy moly I admit that after each dinner out or party, the next day I am still looking to stuff my face with carbs and crap.... and obviously I did hence the weight gain lol...but I'm learning the key is to make sure I still remember those dinners and parties are the exception to my new normal eating habits, and as long as I make sure the days in between are healthy and at a calorie deficit, I still feel good about me!

    Like Susan tho... the exercise part is defying me right now!! well actually you're doing it girl... so huge congrats.. but im struggling with any exercise these days!! I manage to talk myself out of it every day even if i do have lots of time.... so today my goal is to actually do some sustained directed exercise of some sort!!! I NEED to get into that habit again just like the eating.... but the exercise is way harder I totally admit!!

    Ohhhhhhh and yesss I DID rock the LBD!! loved the idea ofthe tights Patrice - in saying it wa rather short for me I meant that it actually came to my knees LOLOL.. IM JUST SO USED TO WEARING THINGS THAT ARE LOOSE AND ABOUT 2 INCHES BELOW the knee... ack sorry didnt realize caps were on and im afraid im gonna lose this so wont erase it.... I looked myself in the eye just before leaving and said you look amazing girl ... you worked hard to lose that weight and you look great so stop fidgeting, stop freaking and party on lol... so I did! A lot of it is mental adjusting to the weight loss and the new body I suppose... well I know.... lol... so yet another aspect I have to get used to and start realizing i dont have to wear baggy and too big clothes anymore to hide myself in.... but thats an even harder habit to break sometimes!! ok I'm gonna save this come back and do some replies to all! Have a great weekend my friends!!!!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    :bigsmile: :drinker: OK.. i got this figured out.. have the Hatters thread on my phone so I can reference it while I type this.... :bigsmile:

    Diane - I hear ya on the "if i don't get it done first thing it doesn't happen" !! I also like you respect the heck out of those who work mon-fri and DO get their exercise in every day...! I can do it on every shift except days.. by the time I get home I'm exhausted and barely manage to make something to eat! Loved the tourtiere... traditionally my dad always made one for Christmas Eve (having grown up in Quebec) but we rarely have it anymore because neither my sister nor I are willing to make it lol... so glad you enjoyed one tho! and as previously stated.. I can totally relate to the scale moving up... but am now working on getting it back down too.. we will stay determined to keep on focusing on healthy most of the time and if we follow the 80/20 rule for this month we got this!

    Patrice - LOVED the sparks story... "no thank you.." NO thank you.. just three little words and I need to write them on my hand lol!
    Tonight is the final scheduled outing for me before Christmas - "wine therapy" (aka girls night out) but we're doing it at oneof the girls houses so a) jeans and sweatshirts and comfy clothes! and b) she's making dinner and the rest of us are bringing apps and I saw a neat idea on a tv show about cutting a baguette into two inch pieces, standing them on their ends and hollowing out most of the bread then filling each with dip and sticking wee sticks of celery and peppers in each one... your own personal vegtgies and dip so you can double dip all ya want lol... kind of a variation on the pumpernickel hollowed out but everyone gets their own and i'll bring extra veg to add... and making a healthy option dip to go along so other than the WINE... wont have too many challenges food wise tonight.
    But I AM going to write on my palm "no thank hyou!" !! (oh.. and while I was quite prepared to wear my mukluks and parka and carry my heels, we lucked out that night and it was a balmy 11C so didnt end up on my butt on the ice lolol)

    Susan - amen as well to the struggling, but as you perfectly reminded us - we DESERVE to take care of ourselves!! And honestly after one binge at home following a dinner out, I felt like a sloth... I could barely move after pigging out and i remember thinking seriously... you WANT to feel like this?? where's the energy where's the yay i feel good about me... instead I felt awful physically ... so thank you very much for the reminder that I MUCH PREFER feeling fabulous when I eat well to the bloated sloth sprawled on the couch all day! Will write on the other hand.. I DESERVE to feel good!

    Carol - when I read your post about heading the wrong way into a lane of traffi my blood ran cold. Until my eye surgery I often mistook body wash for shampoo and probably washed my hair with tile cleaner a few times, but there's a big diff between that and the traffic incident... are you being monitored while on the new meds and have you told yhour doctor about the incidents?? I know doctors are often unaware of drug interactions if you are on any other meds as well .... but please please reconsider if you should be driving until you get this figured out??

    Tammy!! Loving the bling and the new "do"!!! GOOD on ya and nah.. no 12 step program you go wild, woman!! If I recall you promised us a pic when you hit your Onederland milestone... ahem.... ahem..... ahem...??? perhaps now would be good with the lovely new hair and some of that bling???? would love to see it!

    ok.. think that's all the post addressed since my own last one - Gail, Tonya, Hope, Kobiemom, Janet, "et al" - hope all is well in your worlds and to any new Hatters, feel free to pop in and introduce yourselves anytime!!

    Two weeks left in December ladies.... god bless us each and every one in staying Determined, Dauntless and remembering that we DESERVE to be fit and healthy and happy!!!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Welcome 65x60!
    I know what you mean, about getting the treadmill out of the way first thing..If I don't get my bike ride in before 10:00, then it won't get done. I can actually say I miss it when I don't.

    Snoozie, No Pictures?? I know we would love to see some. I never have an opportunity to wear anything nice, so I live vicariously through others..~` Hee heehe

    Carol, Please watch those lanes!!!

    Patrice, I loved the NoThank You!!

    Susan, Tonya, Tammy, Patrice, Snoosie, Carol, Diane, Cobiesmom, Tennisquilter, and anyone I missed. I hope you all have a wonderful day. And let's don't stress too much over any gained pounds this time of the year...remember, we know how to get rid of them and it gives us something to do next year!!
  • PatriceMG
    PatriceMG Posts: 232 Member
    Well, I made my goal! Reindeer Run 5k this morning made event number 12 of 12 this year! Trying to exercise (been slacking a little) and trying to eat right (been slacking a LOT lately) Keeping it in front of my mind tho. Awareness is a good start. This is a lifelong change of mindset, so time to get back into the positive thinking and get those pounds back off.

    Have a wonderful day Hatters!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Awesome accomplishment Patrice - huge congrats !!! And fabulous attitude and mindset as well - I have a big pot of chili chock full of onion peppers tomatoes and beans simmering away while I watch the Blizzard going on outside; and chowing down on lots if raw veggies and water thru the day watching Christmas movies in my Jammie's. Lol. But about to tackle the floor scrubbin and laundry etc so will burn off a few calories! Tomorrow if/when the snow stops plan to go out for a walk and maybe ....just maybe ... Make a snow angel or two on the way :bigsmile:
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Updated weight and goals - check the page - ugh!!!!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Keep your thoughts positive....your body is listening!:flowerforyou:
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Thanks Snoozie for the reminder :smile:
  • 65by60
    65by60 Posts: 23
    Guess what I did yesterday? I ditched my bra extender!!!
    Care to share one of your WooHoo memories?
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    I take all my "big girl" clothes that still look great to consignment and trade out for smaller sizes at great prizes....
    This way I can make some money and "recycle"...

    Love being a size L on top / size 14 (slim cut) or 12 (loose cut) glad no longer shopping in the W dept - why spend more money just because a different size??? ugh!

  • 65by60
    65by60 Posts: 23
    That's a great idea Carol about recycling your clothes that no longer fit. I am wearing a size 18 and hope to get to a size 14. I was worried about getting size 16's with the notion that they would hopefully be just a transition size. Speaking of a waste of money! But you've shared a share strategy and I look forward to visiting my local consignment store. thanks!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Diane, that's great about ditching the bra extender!!! Fantastic NSV (non scale victory)!!

    I remember the first time I tried on my clothes and they were actually too big. It took a 26 pound loss before that happened, and it happened like all of a sudden. But it was the first time in years that my clothes got too big instead of too small. We don't have any good consignment shops around here like you do Carol, but I have sold and purchased clothing, including jackets and coats for this season, on ebay ;-)

    Hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season!!!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Animated-Santa-Laughing-1.gif Ho Ho Ho and Merry Christmas Dear Hatters! Hope Santa was good to you all. Here's to a wonderful new year full of wellness, joy and love.