
My name's Valerie. I am married with 2 gorgeous kids (14 & 8) . My mom, step-dad, and younger sister also live with us, along with 6 dogs, 2 cats, and a hamster. What can I say-I thrive on chaos!

I teach 10th grade English, which I love. In my scads of free time (eyeroll) I like to read and write, journal, draw, and of course, veg out with my handsome hubby.

I have a truly wonderful life filled with family and friends. The only caveat is my weight. It's the first thing on my mind and the last thing at night. It's become my albatross-and as I've gotten heavier, obviously it's affected me more and more.

I'm not naive enough to think that losing weight will be a magic bullet to true happiness. And I am incredibly happy with my life-I just want to get healthy to enjoy it that my longer!

I am so excited to a part of MFP. I love the support and the sweet friends I've already made on here. I'm hoping this challenge will help me end 2013 better than it began. And I'm going to do it again, and again, and again-30 days at a time, different challenges, until I've reached my goal weight. I hope you will join me.


  • My name is Tanesha and I would love to join others in this challenge. I'm married with 3 kids (20, 16, and 13) and I've been yo-yo'ing for waaaay too long! I lost 102 lbs. 2.5 years ago (255lb to 153) by working out at a bootcamp place 3 times/week and cutting carbs for 6 months. My asthma ascerbations significantly subsided.

    The mistakes I made following all my hard work was not efficiently going thru the maintainance program-like I was suppose too, as well as, gradually depositing trigger foods back into my foodbank. I've since gained back half of the weight I worked so hard to shed because I didn't work harder to keep it off.

    I'm really, really tired of this yo-yo dieting and am ready to put an end to this vicious cycle once and for all, and learn from past mistakes, provide support and hopefully we can support eachother in the process and get to burnin and keepin it off for good!
  • HeatherMaile24
    HeatherMaile24 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I'm a new mom looking to lose about 40 pounds. I gained a lot during my pregnancy and was probably about 15 lbs over my ideal weight before then.

    I'm approaching my one month mark on MFP..down 6 pounds! :bigsmile:

    This is my first group... let's get it! thanks for the encouragement! :flowerforyou:
  • aries7298
    aries7298 Posts: 225 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Michele. I am married, mother of 4 kids.... my sons are 15 and 10, my stepdaughter 14 and stepson 12. I am having a very hard time staying on track this year, and while I have lost I am not where I want to be. I love MFP and all I have met so far, and I love to support everyone. :-)

    I'm looking forward do doing this, and seeing a difference by the end of the year. :-)
  • My name is Joy and I am a stay at home wife and mother of 4 children (11 girl, 7 boy, 6 girl, 7 month girl).

    I want to lose like 15 pounds.

    I have not worked out in a while. I plan on getting back on track. I use to go to the YMCA but I didnt renew my membership but I am going in on tomorrow and do that.

    Wish me luck.
  • cesabo
    cesabo Posts: 4 Member
    My name is Colleen and I'm single. I play deck hockey and am learning to enjoy long distance running. I usually workout 3 -5 times a week. I'm looking to tone up more and hopefully lose a few pounds in the process.

    I'm currently in a "Run 1 mile each day" group with some of my friends. I'm hoping that adding this regimen to that will make me stronger. I'd also like to lose another 10 pounds or so. I like that I'll be able to do these exercises at home.
  • anro86
    anro86 Posts: 790 Member
    I'm late, but I am up for feeling the burn! I am 27, 5 foot 1, started at 161 lbs. in May (or around there) and am now down to 137 (24 lbs down!). I initially thought I wanted to get down to 125, but I am now leaning more towards 115 ish.

    I have been married for almost 10 years, I got married at 18. I have a beautiful seven year old little girl named Yasmin. I work full time in an office setting and I work part time for my husband's business (scheduling, invoicing, clerical stuff). I am also a mommy full time- we have girl scouts, bible class, dance class... and now she wants to get into singing or karate, as well. Oh, children :smile:

    I eat whatever I want as long as it stays within (or close to) my cals. I try to drink a lot of water. I have given up soda (90% of the time). I don’t really have any idea what size I am anymore... I continue to wear the same clothes, lol. I really have to brave up and go try on some different sizes one of these days.

    Exercise is my difficult area, because with everything I try to cram into a day... I don't like trying to make room for working out. But, I have found that working out at home is going to be my best bet since I am always with my little one- so I think this challenge will help me!

    Nice to meet you all