Monthly Challenge #1

I obviously missed last week, whoops! So, I think I will make a monthly challenge! Since December is usually so busy and full of goodies that we all need to limit, I think a fitness and water challenge might help us beat those extra nibbles into the ground!

Make a pact with yourself to MOVE at least 30 minutes a day for 30 days! And to drink 64+ oz. of water a day!


  • ChasingKatie
    ChasingKatie Posts: 331 Member
    Sounds good! I have really been struggling with water lately.
  • ButterflyAngela97
    ButterflyAngela97 Posts: 97 Member
    Sounds Good! I started 30 day shred so this will be another reason to keep me motivated to do 30 days of that.
  • verifiedvalerie
    verifiedvalerie Posts: 880 Member
    I fell off the water wagon for a little while. Happy to report I've jumped back on though! :) This will surely help me! Going to make notes on my goal board calendar!
  • Irisblossom81
    Irisblossom81 Posts: 6 Member
    Sounds like a great plan to me!
  • ascjstep
    Sounds good to me too!